Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Day 7 - Photo of you and your family. Describe each member #26DayBloggingChallenge

A Day in the Life of the Wright Family:

I’m incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful family – all shit aside.

First, there’s Dad. AKA papa-bear, Longshanks (being almost 7ft entitles you to such a nickname), Farter (that’s your pre-warning!), Father…

He is the funniest man I know – even though his jokes are insanely lame and for some bizarre reason he thinks farting in front of anyone is appropriate.

He’s got that dry British humour, loves to cook and tell stories. He has the biggest heart in the world and the most contagious laugh. You cannot help but love my old man. He’s the star of the family.

Mum (mama-bear,) is up next. 

She’s the calm and quiet member – with a heart of gold and as stubborn as shit. She’s a bookworm, iPad junkie and a recovering Farmville addict. She is also my wine drinking compadre.

I tell mum everything; she’s my best friend and my confidant… even though we piss each other off on an hourly basis. I just hold so much love and respect for her – she’s such a strong and independent woman. Creative, inspiring and a free-spirit just like me, with a huge dream to travel and see the world..

These two then had Len:

My only sibling. He’s a musical genius, an expert Bloody Mary maker and as mad as a hatter. We all are really.

Bro and I are pretty up and down in the ‘closeness’ department. It’s a bit weird, but some days we get along like a house on fire. We’ll team up, laugh, joke and just be right on par with one another but then on other days we just couldn’t be more opposite. I think it is because we both have very strong personalities and views and we tend to over-ride each other.

I had to include this photograph of us as kids. I think it pretty much sums our entire relationship up. Him playing Nintendo (when that was still a thing back in the 90’s,) and me sulking in the corner just wanting to go outside and play with him but he was just ignoring me.

Yip that’s pretty much how it has always been. But he’s amazing. I have always looked up to my brother and have always just wanted to be close and bonded and as we both are getting older, that is happening more and more.

Bro recently got hitched and had a baby. He’s an amazing daddy, a massive goofball, a proper Mr. Clever Clogs (literally, you do not need Google if he’s around!) a fantastic cook and so much more.

I popped out four years later.. dom dom dom............... 

It's a bit weird describing yourself... so I guess I'll just say this: I'm a single, crazy cat lady, writer spinster. Or that's what my dad likes to call me anyway. Literally. He called me that today. Fantastic.



I'm just me.

A salad expertise:

A wine loving, Bachelor / Bachelorette (TV Series) obsessed, family orientated, passionate, creative and free as fuck individual with dreams bigger than what is possible.

I'm the sort of soul that wears their heart on their sleeve. I jump into anything I do with two feet, trust way too easily and will literally look up if I see a sign saying 'Gullible is written on the roof.'

Dale is my beautiful blue-eyed sister-in-law: 

I seriously commend her for marrying the aforementioned brother (hehehe). 
Dale is wonderful, she isn’t one of those unbearable squeaky airheads. She’s smart, real, tells you like it is and when she laughs and smiles she lights up the room. She’s a new parent too and has blown me away by how naturally it comes to her. She’s amazing, comes up with the most hilariously random songs to sing to her son, creative and talented, the best board-game partner you could ever ask for and my brother is a very lucky man to have her.

Jenson is the newest member to our craziness.

My nephew… my everything. You could not get a more perfect baby even if you tried (I know I am biased as his Auntie but really, you just can’t!). Jenson, although only 7ish months old, has the most beautiful personality already.

He is such a happy, blue-eyed bundle of joy. That smile is the freaking best. He makes every heart melt and is the most popular little boy in his nursery school. Everyone wants to hold and love him.
Jenson loves dancing, jumping, laughing and charming the socks off of everyone he meets. He loves music, pulling your hair and earrings, banging the table, grumbling and gurgling and is absolutely FASCINATED by the TV.

This little guy is the best thing that has ever happened to our family – and has truly stolen my heart.

I am the proudest Auntie in the world:

The proudest sister / sister-in-law and daughter.

I love my family.  

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  1. What a gorgeous family! I call my parents Mummy Bear and Daddy Bear as well, I don't even remember when it started or why.

  2. What a gorgeous family! So glad to meet them, Jade! Little Jenson is indeed a doll--adorable!!! xx T.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Your family looks amazing. I´m sure you have lots of fun together. Haha, ,,stubborn as shit", love the comparison. So lovely pics of you and your brother. Your nephew is really cute. :)
    Fashion Happenss

  5. I love this concept. I could never do it with my own family, but it's fun to learn how you came to be. PS more surfer pics! I'm so jealous it's on my life to do list to learn, but I just haven't done it yet.

  6. Sounds like a loving and wildly entertaining family. And your nephew is just gorgeous Jade!



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