Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Day 22 - Last Book You Read #26DayBloggingChallenge

This post is supposed to be based on the last book I read but considering that the last book I read was #GirlBoss by Sophia Amoruso and I did a book review on it just the other day for one of the other challenges - I thought I'd cheat a little bit today. 

So instead of sharing with you all what book I read last, I thought I'd share what series I watched last!

I'm obsessed!

Granted I am only four episodes in, but I knew from the get go that this series was for me. 
Not only do I adore Rachel Bilson (if I had to pick an actress to play me in a film, it'd be her), but I literally found myself crying in the first episode!! 
It was such a tear-jerker for me. 

What I love about it is that she is this seriously ambitious doctor and wants to work alongside her dad as a surgeon but he's being a bit of a knob so she ventures off to be a GP for a year down South - far, far away from New York City. 

Starting fresh in a new tiny town where she knows no one, she suddenly realizes this old man who'd been begging her to come and work at his practice for some time now, has died and left her half of his practice! 

If only - right!?

It isn't all that glamorous though - adjusting to the 'country lifestyle' isn't easy and to gain the respect of the other doctor in town is seeming to be a pretty messy ordeal. Then there's the freaky click of ladies that seem to be living in the 1900's who don't seem to be very accepting towards her either. 
Not to mention some seriously fit country men that are thrown into the mix to give you a series of heart palpitations between it all.

Despite Bilson's prissy, slightly 'plastic' role as Zoe Hart in the beginning, you quickly see her breaking down her barriers and turning into someone you just can't help but love. 

I love the fact that this show is all about a young woman starting fresh in a new town, completely alone. It's been a big fantasy in my head to do just that for some time now but as much as I want to, I am really happy with my job right now. I am in the ideal situation to just work my butt off and save the majority of my salary away every month. It's like my little security blanket knowing I have this savings kept securely away so that one day, if and when I need it, it's there. 
Plus, things in the little town I live in are going so much better lately. 
I've figured out who my real friends are in town, avoid the crazies and plod along quite happily - and I've met a lovely man as I mentioned in a previous post.

So as for right now, my fresh start is merely that - a fantasy... a fantasy that for right now, has been put to sleep. 

I still love this show though - it is so easy to relate to, so enjoyable and the perfect combination between deep and meaningful as well as fun and entertaining. 

Some of the things that are said in the show makes it almost feel like the show was written for me! Most of the things that are said actually. 

I feel like this show is just meant for me. 
Have you ever felt that way? 
Where you just connect on an entirely different level with a certain show, movie, song or book? 
Like there's no doubt about it, it was written for you? 
Well, that is Hart of Dixie for me.

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  1. Thank you for your lovely comment:) Following back;)

  2. I also saw some epizodes and it´s really funny and good series. Great for relaxing. :)
    Fashion Happenss

  3. Never watched the series, but I think rachel is ace. Love her boho style!

  4. great series!

  5. I haven't really watched a complete episode of this , but i do admire Rachel Bilson. She's such a beautiful actress.



  6. I think I watched only season 1 and/or 2 of this show...enjoyed it but it didn't get me hooked... I thought it had gotten cancelled... who wasn't really for me... I still enjoy reruns of my beloved series: The Nanny, Boy meets world, Sabrina the teenage witch, Fresh prince of bell-air, Seinfeld, Clarissa explains it all...ah so many 90s shows!..I miss them so much...I think they were the best... the recent ones I've watched are Orange is the new black, Once upon a time, Game of thrones..... I need to find myself a new show...
    as for the ones that were written for me...I don't recall shows but books, yes!!!...I always feel I am one of those characters I'm reading, I guess I'm always trying to find a connection with them or maybe I do am connected... I feel as if they were like me...Anne Frank, Elizabeth Bennet (pride and prejudice), Jane Eyre...even Anastacia Steel from 50 shades of grey in some ways! haha... glad you stepped into my blog and thanks for your awesome comment, I appreciate it...and it's been a hard battle...most of my drawings depict my broken heart... it's been 3 years since that and I haven't healed yet... might as well let it all out through words and paintings, right?
    much love! xoxo, Ivette

  7. Yes, Holi is in March! If you're seriously considering coming here! I'm going to jump for joy! It will be so great to meet a blogger friend in person!!

  8. nice, hey do u wanna follow each other, follow me and let me know with a comment on my blog i will follow u back

  9. I tried to watch this show, but was just so turned off by the main character! I felt like she was a bit whiny and immature. I like when main characters aren't perfect so they're complex like real people are, but I want to at least LIKE them. I just couldn't get past that :(



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