Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Day 4 - Draw Yourself! #26DayBlogChallenge

I like to think of myself as quite a few things - a 'Jack of all Trades,' if you will...

An Expert Eater, a Daily Dreamer, a Soul Surfer, a Writing Warrior.... 

.... A Hopeless Romantic .....

Sadly though, an Artist is not one of them.

Yes... I've splattered some paint onto canvas before and yes, admittedly sometimes I'm actually rather surprised and pleased with the outcome!

However - for the most part - I cannot draw a picture to save my life.

So.... this is rather embarrassing to share with ya'll...... but here you go. 

A self-portrait of me:



.......Good God........

In my defense, I did quickly sketch this in a matter of minutes (can you tell!? hahaha) in my lunch break this afternoon.

I'm sure if I actually did spend more time and effort on art, I'd be 'alright'......
Or not...
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  1. It´s a good portrait, it´s really difficult when you draw yourself, you did great job. You even did it during few minutes, so you can be proud of yourself. :)
    Fashion Happenss

  2. Quick sketches always have the most personality!

  3. oh hell I don't think I would ever have the balls to post a picture I drew of any people on my blog, so kudos to you for that. It looks way better than anything I could do!

  4. I think it is good. Way better than the stick figure that I would come up with!

  5. well girl u did a really good job with the pics

  6. The drawing isn't that bad, give yourself more credit lol. I literally can't draw people, my drawing would be 1000 times worse lol!
    I like the idea of this post because drawing can show your personality!


  7. That's why I'm not participating today. I couldn't draw even if my life depended on it lol. You on the other hand, good job :)

  8. OMG that is good, if you think that's bad wait till you see my post.

  9. I think it's really good, especially since you decided to go with such a challenging option to do a self portrait!


  10. Two fab pics of you, Jade! I've never tried to draw myself (I really should though--this looks like a fun winter's afternoon by the fire project). I did do a quasi self-portrait which was really an art journal collage of all the things the I loved. Joy & hugs, T.

  11. I think you drew a great picture. It's hard to draw yourself. I have never been able to successfully draw myself and make it look like me. I think it's too difficult for us to see ourselves as what we really look like. !!!

  12. I think it turned out really great actually!! There's still an artistic element to it and I think you're very talented. I can't wait to start the blog challenge you made! I'm just waiting for my midterms to finish.

  13. Its a good portrait! I couldn't draw myself, it would be a disaster!


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