Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time


What is your full name?
Jade Lee Wright

When is your birthday?
The 15th of the Merry Month of May.

What is your star sign?
Taurus  (yes I am as stubborn as you are lead to believe)

What color eyes do you have?

The color always varies depending on my mood but usually they are aqua. 

What color hair do you have?

 Naturally...... God knows - but currently it's ombre.

What is your favorite novel?
One Day by David Nicholls

What are you reading at the moment?
 Wives V Girlfriends by Katie Agnew

Do you have any other books lined up to read?
An entire shelf filled with books!!

What are the names of your books that you have written?
Walk with Me


The Other Woman

Is your book getting published?
Walk With Me is now available for purchase and The Other Woman is still coming into fruition. I am currently on chapter 15.

Who is publishing you book?
Self Published.

Who are you main writing inspirations?
All writers inspire me.

Who is your style icon?
My style is so versatile! One day I'll dress bohemian in long skirts and headbands, the next I'll be rocking a tight sequence dress and peep toe heels. It all depends on my mood but the most constant fashion icon I have would most likely be Lauren Conrad.

Do you plan on going back to the UK?
I would move back in a heartbeat if it meant publishing my novel or working for a great magazine but as for right now, South Africa is home. But yes, I'll definitely return for many holidays to see friends and family over there!

How did you travel all around Europe?

I joined a Contiki tour called The Expedition Tour.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?
One Brother, Leonard Wright (yes, the musician)

Did you study after school?
I did Bridal, Day and Night Make-Up and graduated with distinctions after my personal training course.
Now I am about to complete degree in journalism.
After that, I'd like to look into a photography course, a cooking course... anything.
I love studying.

Do you do any sports?
I surf and run. Recently I bought some dumbbells for working out with but hiking and exploring are really more my thing.
Does clay pigeon shooting count as a sport?? I really enjoyed that!

What are your hobbies?
Writing (obviously,) Travel! Surfing. Fashion, Art, Cooking, Photography, Animals, Yoga, Hiking, Reading.

What is your religion?
This question sparks up too much controversy for me to feel comfortable with answering it.

What music do you enjoy?
I love and appreciate almost all genres of music, just not pointless things like hip hop, most rap (I'll admit that some rap has fantastic meaning and inspiring lyrics) but my favorite right now would be bands such as City and Color, The Head and the Heart, We Are The Augustines, Ed Sheeran, Mumford and Sons, Florence and the Machine and as always The Rolling Stones.


  1. Leonard Wright. (Yes, the musician)

    Thanks Jade

  2. Just loving all over your blog and now I read that you write books, too?!? Ok, love. It's love. I've been trying my hand at fiction. My husband writes fiction books and had an agent and interest from Viking Penguin once upon a time, and he urged me to try it out. I feel ridiculous doing it, and I'm miles away from even venturing that I could be brave enough to share it. You're so inspiring. Write ON, girl!

  3. Ahhh..Rolling Stones! One of my favorites! I took music classes all throughout school and love really any type of music except the slow draggy country! Although I do love country, just not that kind.


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