Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Tough Love

Right now, life is hard.
For the first few weeks that I was back I was able to bring a lightness and humor to this blog because I suppose I was still in denial. I was so sure that somehow, things would get fixed.
But it's been almost a month now and I've had to start moving forward.
I've been applying for Canadian working holiday visas and scouring the internet for jobs scrubbing people's shit out of toilets on the yachts again. I went on a date and kissed someone else which all blew up in the same old small town Knysna drama I can't stand. I started finally checking things off of my To Do list... picking up my drivers license, getting a South African sim card, sorting out the bank and looking for a new car which I can't afford.

I also decided to finally take a stand against my alcoholic mother. I'm done with her looking at me and spitting out the words, 'Why are you here? Can't you just go and die?! No wonder Mark doesn't want you. Fuck off," amongst other things. I reached out to people I knew would help. She's getting sectioned next week if all goes according to plan... although I've seriously started realising how full of empty promises people (especially family members,) are. I am a blunt and honest person - this is a blog about the gritty realness of the world so if you can't handle that then please stop reading and causing more drama.
I called the police while she was out driving the other day - sadly they didn't catch her but I've reached breaking point. She's a danger to herself and to others. She could kill someone - and that is disgusting. So I have done what I need to do because no one else was doing anything.

I've always been the tough one in my family. I'm the one who has to be strong and tell it as it is. I speak the truth while everyone else is living a lie. No, I'm not perfect... far from it. I'm as fucked up if not more than anyone - but I'm the only person that will actually admit that. And I'm the only person who is willing to change.
I'm also the only person willing to truly HELP. It's called tough love.
Yeah, I hate who my mother has become and I am so full of anger and resentment - but me getting her put into a mental institute and eventually rehab is me showing what little love I do have left for her. She won't see it that way - maybe she never will. But this is literally my last attempt. I've reached breaking point.

Right now I'm at a place where I should be home under my families wings and recovering from a horrible breakup, a miscarriage and trying to find my feet again.... instead, I am more emotionally distraught now than ever before. The stress levels have sky-rocketed. I burst into tears in the middle of town and sometimes I can't bring myself to eat. I've lost 6kg and I'm not OK.
I don't know what the hell to do with my life or where the hell to go. M decided to leave me penniless even though I worked in Aus for 2 years I have nothing to show for it - yet he's kept all the furniture and flat and everything I was helping pay for while my salary - which was FAR smaller than his but I tried my BEST to contribute when I could. I just can't believe how shit life is right now.... that my only option is to have to go back onto the yachts, an industry I hated, just so I can have some financial stability again.

I've decided I'm going to write down everything I've been holding onto on a piece of paper, fold it up and toss it into a fire. Release it.
I need to let go of M. I need to let go of the fact that we are not getting married next year and that the 2 miscarriages I suffered through without him were probably for the best. I need to get over the fact that he's no longer there and no longer cares.
I also know I need to let go of my hatred, anger and resentment I have for my family - my life... I know I look so happy on the outside. I smile, see friends, laugh and joke. But behind closed doors and sometimes in the center of town I am a mess.
I WISH I hadn't given everything I had to my name to my past relationship... because now I'm at a place in my life where I have nothing. That's not even an exaggeration. I AM penniless. I AM homeless... I have to stay in the hell hole that is my parents house and be abused verbally by the woman who carried me for 9 months. I have no where else to go right now, no way to get somewhere if I did have anywhere to go.
I wish I had been smarter and kept a backup plan... I wish I hadn't decided to spend my last bit of life savings on a holiday to Madagascar that now I can't even look at the photographs of without crying.
I wish I had a different life. A different mother. A different everything.

Life is hard. And I am struggling.
I wish I knew what to do.
I just need a hand. I feel like I'm trying my best to help others as much as I can but that doesn't get acknowledged. I feel like I have this huge heart that just gets taken for granted and abused. I feel like I don't deserve where I am in life right now and sometimes it really does seem easier to fade away than carry on struggling through... but that's why I write this... because one day I KNOW I will be okay again and I'll be able to look back and remember what a dark place I was in and I'll be able to help others find a way out to the other side. Until then, I'm just wading through the black abyss.

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  1. I'm sorry you feel in such a dark place Jade you'll get through it, your strong and you can do it! Here if you ever need a chat xx

  2. Hey Jade have you looked into the bigger ships, not yachts? I know of some people who work on art auctioning ships, you have to learn about all the art and who made it etc and sell it. You make a salary and commission. Check it out, it might be a bit more stable. In the meantime can you waitress, or work in a shop?
    Also a great way to make money is to work on a consistent youtube channel. Why not take your real gritty experiences to youtube? People want to and need to hear this from others, because they and you are not alone.
    You can also sign up to freelance writing websites, and look into the film and animation world for writing and even script writing opportunities.
    The only way to find your next step is to really look for it. Don’t give up. Keep searching.

    There’s also some free universities in Germany, Norway and I think Poland. You could try get a degree, and there’s tons of ways to apply for scholarships and studies, and you’d be away from everything toxic.

    I’ve even heard of working on cattle and horse ranches in Canada and USA, or even kids camping trips.

    Apply for them all and go where the universe takes you.

  3. If I could reach through this screen and give you loads of hugs, I would. I’m sorry you’ve been through so, so much. And it’s really sad to see the downward spiral you’ve displayed of your mother over the years of knowing you. It’s sad and I’m sorry she says all those crazy, hurtful things to you. :( :(

    Love you Jade, and always here for you. xoxo

  4. I know you feel in a terrible moment, I just want you to know sometimes life sucks.
    I'll share my story with you.
    4 months ago my husband left me without an explanation. I was leaving in a big city just for him so I needed to work it out by myself. Start paying bills and missing everything, I was very in love.
    The same week my husband left me, I discovered my dad has cancer, so I panicked!...then 5 weeks after that I discovered my mom has cancer too. Both of them had metastatic cancer, so it was a really bad moment, but if it's not enough I just got fired.

    We (you & me) are strong, I know sometimes it feels like the world is ending and we can't think the way to exit, but I'm sure good times are coming, just be patient and keep moving.


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