Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Liebster Award

It is another stormy day.. and I am spending the day wrapped up in a blanket and drinking tea in bed. While scoping out the blog world I noticed that I was nominated for this 'Liebster Award' thing... I've been nominated in the past but to be fair I have never really taken much notice of it.

I was nominated by a lovely new follower of mine, Jade (love her name!) over at:

What the LIEBSTER is the Liebster Award!? 
(ok yes... I admit that was lame.. it sounded better in my head...)

The Liebster Award is kind of like a chain award for blogs with under a certain amount of followers, here are the rules:
1. You must link back to the person who nominated you. 
2. You have to state 11 facts about yourself.
3. You have to answer the questions given to you.
4. You have to pick 11 nominees and create a set of 11 questions that they must answer.
5. You can't nominate the person that nominated you.
6. You have to tell the nominees that they have been nominated by you.

11 Facts About Me:
1. I am continuously hungry.... a complete 'nibbler'. No matter how full I am, if there is food, I will eat!
2. I have a degree in Bridal, Day and Night Makeup.. a degree in Personal Training.... my First Aid certificate and I am nearly finished my journalism degree! I wonder what is next!
3. My novel entitled: Walk With Me has just been bound.... If anyone is interested in a copy please comment below as I'm looking for bloggers who would like to do a book review on it for me and help me get the book 'noticed!'
4. I am petrified of sharp objects.
5. I'm allergic to avocado.
6. You CANNOT massage the middle of my back.... I will break your face.
7. I snort when I laugh... when I laugh properly that is.
8. Furniture stores make me happy... I love decorating... If I live somewhere there is some serious 'nesting' that needs to take place before I can feel at home.
9. If I could have one superhuman power it would be teleportation.... So that I can go anywhere in the world whenever I wanted to.
10. Camping is one of my favorite things in the world to do.
11. If I am ever angry or sad or just needing some alone time... I go to the beach. There is no place quite like it. It makes me feel complete.

Nominee Questions:
1. Why did you decide to start a blog?
I decided to start a blog because I love writing - and I remember thinking to myself four years ago when I started this that no one would read it anyway. I thought it was more of an 'online' way of expressing myself - it would be backed up and I'd be able to retrieve it unlike I would be able to do if there was a fire in my house or my bag was stolen etc...

2. What item of makeup could you not live without? 

3. What are your three favourite drugstore products?
I love a good face-mask once a month..
Nail polishes - I love looking at all the colors.
Perfumes! Love finding new and amazing perfumes.

4. What is one hair trend and one make up trend you are a bit nervous to try?
I'm not really nervous to do anything with my hair - if you know my hair history you'll know I've pretty much tried it all already!
As for makeup.... I don't really do bright colors with eye-shadows etc... It's not really my vibe. I'm a neutral girl.

5. Who inspires you?
So many people for countless different reasons! Everyone is amazing in their own way. 

6. What is on your make up wishlist right now?
Permanent Eyelash Extensions! They look so gorgeous.

7. If you could only ever buy from one clothing brand and one make up brand, what would you choose?
Argh............. I don't wear brands. This is so difficult...... Umm...
Clothing - Billabong
Makeup - MAC

8. What is your favourite clothing trend? 

9. What is your favourite perfume?
Dolce and Gabanna - The One

10. What is your favourite season? 

11. What are your blogging goals?
I just want to cheer someone up when they are having a bad day... give people inspiration... gain lifelong friendships... teach, learn and share!
Obviously growing my blog to become a famous 'well-known' worldwide blogger would be incredible.. haha a girl can dream.

My Questions For You Ladies (and Gent):
  1. If you could choose one place in the world to go - where would it be and why?
  2. What are the top three things on your bucket list in life?
  3. What is your favorite book?
  4. What television series do you enjoy the most?
  5. Best movie that you have seen recently?
  6. Define love... 
  7. From all the blogs you read, who is your favorite and why (link up time!)
  8. Do you like Vlogs? Explain.
  9. What is your biggest goal in life?
  10. Name the thing you have done that you are most proud of in your life...
  11. What is your favorite memory of all time and why.

I look forward to seeing all your answers!
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  1. I also snort when I laugh! And I would love to read your book!

    1. Thank you Megan. All the best people snort :)
      I'll organize E-Books soon!!!! xxxxxxxx

  2. Hi dear!! Congratulattions!!!you blog is amazing!!!

  3. LOL I agree with the whole punching you in the face if someone massages the back of my neck hahhaha!
    And I would love to read your novel! I myself write stories so I know how it feels to want some feedback!


    1. Hahahaha I cannot be controlled if someone tickles me :)
      Great! Thank you so much, as soon as I have E-Books sorted I'll send you the linkxxx

  4. love this post! :) lots of love and have a nice week,

  5. interesting award
    :) nice post
    I posted a new article, I'd love to know your opinion
    would you like to pass from my blog?
    fashion blogger pamela soluri

  6. Thanks for the nomination Jade! I'll see if I can whip up my answers in a post this week. It's looking like a busy last few days on maternity leave. But we'll see! I may get a chance, yet!

    Camping is fun. We have a Westfalia Vanagon van to camp in now and it is lots of fun to take out. Now that the wee one is more mobile, it could change the 'fun' part in camping to perhaps.. challenging. But I think we'll get a chance to go out without her once or twice this summer, to really really enjoy the camping experience!

    1. It's a pleasure Haley - your blog has always been one of my favs and lets face it.. you are my closest 'blogging' friend as our friendship escalated to actual written letters too <3 MUCH LOVE... OH!!!!! I have BIIIIIIG news for you :)

  7. Great answers dear.Hope you inspire so many people hehe!! and i cant believe you have so many degrees are you doing any job on these?

    Style Of OzOz
    Style Of OzOz Facebook Page

  8. Congratulations sweetie, you have such a beautiful blog and you deserve it! I enjoyed reading your answers!

    Thank you so much for the award nomination, it's truly an honor!

    Diana /
    New Post: [Outfit Idea] Craving Spring
    Previews Post: [Personal Growth] How To Find Purpose and Monetize Your Passion

  9. Thanx for the nomination. :) Jade, your reasons for blogging are much like my own! My life's been a bit "crazy" as of late; so, I'm not certain I'll get around to posting all my answers... But, I will say the best movie I've seen as of late was Blue Jasmine. It's a Woody Allen film that stars Cate Blanchett. I loved it! Super-big hugs, Sweets. T.

    1. Thank you Tina! I don't normally do anything like this - chain stuff isn't really my vibe but if you have time that'd be fab x


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