Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Rant of the Day

Listen up bloggers... 

Thank you for your wonderful comments that you post to me... BUT... I just don't understand this 'tit for tat' thing..... if you like my blog - follow it because you want to actually read what I write... and vice versa. 

Just a suggestion. 

Blogging isn't about gaining as many followers as you can - it is about writing, connecting, sharing... it is about a passion that many people are just dulling with their annoying comments to only advertise themselves.

So if you're only here to leave a one word comment such as 'Nice' or 'Lovely'...  followed by a link to your blog... then adios amigo's. Seriously??? It's just disrespectful and then you put posts up on your blog that you expect people to actually read too??? No.

You know what it is?? It's faaaaaake... and everybody else leaving actual comments on the blog post can tell.. and everyone knows how fake you and your blog are. You're doing it for the wrong reasons!!! If you want your blog to truly grow - try gaining some respect for fellow bloggers and for yourself and above all else your own blog first!

Another thing is the whole, 'Let me know if you want to follow and I'll follow you right back!' thing.... WHAT THE F*!K. Pleeeeease!!! Exactly what I said at the beginning of this post... follow me if YOU want to... and I'll follow you if I want to follow you! It shouldn't be this back and forth bloody tennis game to see how many followers you can gain in a day. That shit drives me crazy man. It's like the blog thing has become infested with rabies-infected, fan-thirsty pests that just want their numbers to rise. 

Anyone else feel that way sometimes!?!?

OK - that's my rant of the day done.

post signature


  1. lovely blog!
    would you like to follow each other?!

  2. Hey Jade, can you please follow my blog? hehe Smile! well put Lady, I couldn't agree more! ;)

    1. haha HA.. not funny Ricardo! :)

    2. You see how I can tell you are the first person to actually read this post???? It is ridiculous! Assholes.

    3. Haha! I don't believe it! they literally didn't read it at all! Since they not reading anything... people do not follow Onbra Yhkypoba or Jo Joanna! They are into bestiality, sis...

  3. I totally agree with most of this, especially the follow back crap, but I think there are also some exceptions to the rule. Sometimes I read a blog post and I'm like holy wow! This needs to be recognized for its greatness, but I'm at a total loss for words so I write something stupid like "you're awesome". I'm well aware how fan girl it looks but I don't think that’s going to stop me. I want the author to know I read what they had to say, and appreciate it, despite my lack of verbal function.

    PS i was hoping that jo joanna was joking lmao

    1. Thanks love, I was hoping it was too but scroll down and see how completely oblivious so many other bloggers (if you can call them that) are...

  4. You're absolutely right Jade, my blog was created to share my great passion that is fashion with anyone who is interested, but that does not mean you have to force someone to follow you just because you follow him! I met so many nice people through my blog, but I also saw a lot of envy and deceit in the blogosphere, people willing to do anything to grow their own blog!
    I love your job, tnx for your sweet comment darling!!!!
    And now.... would you like to follow me??? LOL!!!!!

    1. So glad there are still people out there that really have an actual passion for blogging. Thank you for your wonderful comment.

  5. Te comprendo realmente, yo recibo muchos mensajes. Saludos y ten paciencia.

    1. Thank you for your comment - I will try my best to keep patient ;)

  6. Couldn't have been well said!!! I totally get that sometimes and sometimes I catch them in lies saying "oh yeah I agree with you that it smells nice" like I didn't say it smelled nice.. LOL!
    Preach girl preach!! :p!
    Like to me it's okay for people to ask that cause I believe supporting each other and giving each other insight but sometimes it can get tiring *sigh!!


    1. Hahaha I have noticed the same thing!! I think that is the absolute worst of it all to be honest!! Lies.
      Support is great but at least respect my blog.. you know??

  7. Haha I feel the same way sometimes, but never had enough courage to speak about it out loud. It's bad enough in the blogging world but it's even worse with youtube/vlogging. People always message me or leave me comments "support my channel and subscribe, please". I don't subscribe to support people, I only watch those vlogs and read those blogs that I like and find interesting. My comments are moderated and if I see that someone didn't eve bother to read my post, I just delete their comments.

    Lol, the first two comments on this post are pure example of what you were referring to ;)

    1. Thank you Paula.. The first two comments made me both laugh and get further irritated hahaha.
      I should also delete their comments.. but I never have time to really go through them all!

  8. Amen chica! If someone was to leave me a one word comment I wouldn't even know how to respond haha. I agree though that if people want to follow then they should and not do the whole tit for tat.

    Have a good week!! :)

    1. It really sucks getting one worded comments but lets face it - as we can see from some of the comments I received from this post - they aren't going to stop!

  9. Hey there!
    Do you wanna join my giveaway at:

    You can win a 50Dollar gift card at :)
    Check it out if you dont mind to!

  10. Totally agree with you. I´m feeling this way lately too. For example, I don´t why people want to follow each other and they don´t write a single comment, or if they do, then something like you wrote- nice, and so on. I couldn´t do it just for bigger number of followers. :)
    Fashion Happenss

  11. I do feel like this many times Jade, but I try to ignore it and use my energy elsewhere. I think these bloggers who are exerting so much energy on numbers will not last, they can't possibly be feeling any joy or excitement for what they are doing. For me my blog is an outlet, I place I go to outside of work and chores, where I can be selfish and post only what I want, even if it's not current or popular. If I did anything less, I would hate it and it would eventually show on my content.

    1. I should try to ignore it too I suppose, I really just needed to vent.

  12. Thank you!!!! Someone finally said it, it is so irritating. Why should I have to follow you just for you to follow me? WHAT!? I want people to follow me because they actually enjoy my post! Thank you, Jade.. thank you thank you!

    1. Thank YOU Kierra!! Hahaha wonderful to hear other people ranting about it too because I was starting to think that I was the only one!!!

  13. Hi! I'm hosting a giveaway on my blog if you want to participate. You can win a 20$ gift card from Rosewholesale

  14. Hi dear, I've just discovered your blog and.. what can I say? Amazing. I love everything about it! Your posts are so well written and your style fantastic as well. How about following each other via GFC/Bloglovin'? I would love to :) just let me know on my blog and I'll make sure to follow back immediately! Have a nice day babe xx
    Red Velvet

    1. This would have been lovely if only I hadn't seen you post the exact same comment on another blog???

  15. Hahaha! I'm sorry.. but it looks like you just got the exact same kind of comment that you were complaining about on this very post! Talk about .. NOT reading the content, before commenting! Oh well..
    Amen sister!! Those kinds of comments are annoying, for sure.

  16. Soo true, it is so irritating when people are just not bothered about what you write and feel, just look at the pics and comment..
    It's all about connecting.. I feel great when someone comments on what I have write I get so happy..
    Follow back messages I think are something which new bloggers do , but if experiments bloggers are ding then I feel they are not as passionate for writing..
    Not trying to disrespect someone by saying all this just says that all g with pics I would love if people appreciate my thoughts too
    Keep in touch

    1. Thank you for your honest comment Pooja! So true. I can't believe some people hahaha...

  17. Well, you've said what so many of us have been thinking (that is if we blog--we've likely thought it). I have for sure. Especially the "will you follow me if I follow you" stuff. Enjoying a beer right now and smiling. :) It's as if we're enjoying a rant together at happy hour. Hugs, Doll! T.

    1. Thanks Tina! Happy hour.. hey... now THERE'S an idea!?!?

  18. I couldn't agree with this post more!
    And whaddafuq?! The first two comments are people genuinely asking you to follow their blog. Holy shit. Sometimes, I just want to go on a murderous rampage. People, I swear. -.-

    I don't blog to be read. I couldn't care less how many followers I have. I blog to write, because it's something I love doing. The passion for writing seems to have gone out the fucking window, and has been replaced with a cheap need for attention and internet fame. Sad.
    Glad to see there are stil some genuine bloggers still out there. Keep it up!

    Much love, hun. xx

    1. hahaha whaddafuq!! Loveit :)
      Laughed during this comment - thanks for the rant with me :)

  19. finally! exactly what my thoughts are. i mean, bloggers put time and effort to their posts so it must at least have a bit time and effort for readers to actually read it and not just visit your blog and comment one word, uhm? how am i supposed to answer to a one-word comment?

    1. I know, I usually just end up saying thank you... or blasting them.. depending on how I feel! hahaha

  20. Agree with you on that. I get a lot of follow for follow comments and they are really annoying especially when they are posted in my giveaway posts. I just don't know how to stop them.
    I believe that your post will be an eye-opener for those people who are into this thing. Thanks for this effort :)


    1. You can't stop them :( that's the annoying part!

  21. I totally don't get it when people to follow for follow although gaining more followers could be useful if earn money with a blog but again: why don't you do it with your passion and blog quality. plus many bloggers who actually read the comment check the interesting commenting bloggers and often making this follow back option because they have what to follow.
    I can't forget some blogger who wanted a follow for follow... and didn't post over a month in the only blog she had. duh.

  22. I totally agree, like you see those people who just come by to your blog and are like: 'follow?' - erm no.
    We're here putting so much time and effort into our blog posts and it almost feels depreciative and pointless when someone comes and says 'nice…'

    This was fun to read though, Jade!

    1. Haha thank you love - glad it was! I was just finally too annoyed - but that hasn't stopped those leaches from still commenting!! It is quite hilarious how dumb some people are.


Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog - if you supply your blog page I will be sure to check it out and leave a comment in return!
