Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Day #9: 30 Day Writing Challenge

Post some words of wisdom that speak to you:

This could not have come at a better time..... last night when I was having yet another night alone (as always these days) I started watching some videos on youtube about how to walk away from toxic relationships. The entire video was extremely insightful and helpful but something stood out more-so than everything else combined:

"If you're falling asleep next to somebody every night but yet you still feel alone, why not rather be alone?"

That one question changed my perspective on everything. 

The same woman also spoke about how she found a journal her brother had written in the day before he died and the entry was so sad. He had been miserable in life. 
My own journal for literally every day of 2017 so far is filled with 25 pages of sadness, anger, pain and confusion. I am miserable too..... and I realised last night that if I die, I don't want to nothing but a morbid journal to remember me by. I don't want to be sad. I want to be happy. So you have to choose for yourself....

One day or day one. 
You decide. 

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  1. day one. Also something has helped me change perspective is to end every journal entry with something positive from the day even if it's something small, like "my tea this morning was really good". Eventually those positives will add up. It's worth a shot right? Sending good vibes!

  2. Making the decision is important... it's not always easy unfortunately... I am glad you found something to help you see things a different way, it took me longer but I got there... I hope you find happy moments that turn into happy days xox

  3. that's a good thought. and also making the decision to be happy is important. hope you'll get there soon, lovely! xx


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