Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Monday, September 30, 2013


Today I posted off my first letter to Canada. 

Haley over at : and I have decided to become what is commonly known as: Pen Pals. 

It was so much fun to hand-write a letter like the old times before Facebook or emails came around and in actual fact, I much prefer it. 

I kind of have this really awesome idea but I'd like to get at least ten or so bloggers involved before it starts to really happen. 

As with the whole pen pal thing - I'd like to buy a little travel journal and send it all over the world, to the selected bloggers and when it arrives at you, just write whatever happened in your day down in the pages.. paste something in whether it be a reciept from a cafe you went to for lunch or a stamp or something special! We'd literally  just let the journal do rounds around the world until we've filled up every page. 

It's a bit like that movie The Sisterhood of Travelling Pants but lets face it - no pair of jeans is miraculously going to fit each and every one of us. 

So if you're interested to get a project like this going... please leave your name below. Once I've got about ten of you, I'll head off and buy a little travel journal and do the first entry and send it off to whoever jumped into this idea first! 

Happy writing fellow bloggers'

Love to all x
post signature


  1. ME!!!! Lisa-Jade Thompson :) I would absolutely LOVE this!!

  2. You have my address.. so we're already one step ahead! I'm in. I'd love to do it:)
    Thanks for the lil' shout out. I look forward to your letter!

  3. Pen pals , this is such a cool idea
    Keep in touch,

  4. First of all what an amazing project! The idea of the travelling journal is brilliant! I'm really looking forward to see the results;) and of course I'd be honored to participate. Good luck and have fun anyways;)



  5. I used to have a pen pal back in school..then came the internet and things changed...cute idea though.

  6. Letter writing is indeed a lost art, isn't it? I don't have a pen pal, but I do write cards and letters to friends & family. :) T.

  7. Thumbs up for this sweet stuff! I remember writing letters during grade school, high school. Now, it seems like most people say "hey, there's now facebook, just give me a mail, tweets, and etc". But for me, still, hand-written letters and notes are the most romantic and thoughtful ones. If I'll be given the chance, I'll be happy to join this version of Sisterhood of a travelling pants! :) This is gonna be so cool!
    Visit my site on Smize with Style.

  8. That is really cool :) Lovely post :)

  9. I have never used a pen-pal. It's really amazing idea:)

  10. lovely photo, and i agree, hand written letters are the best! xx

  11. I never had a Pen-Pal but I do enjoy sending and receiving postcards from my friends :D


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