There isn't much in life that measures up to the beauty of Prague. What a beautiful place.
I started off my time there by joining a historic walking tour of the jaw-dropping architecture, cathedrals and monuments.
We all met up in the town center at a certain time to watch the clock tower go off.... which to me just seemed like such a waste of time. Honestly. Everyone was so excited for some massive show... the square was cram packed with people to the point where we couldn't even move.
Some old man nearly managed to pick-pocket me but luckily another traveler noticed this guys creeping hand and helped me out!!!
When the clock did strike, there was a little show put on by the little 'puppets'???? A tiny skeleton rang the bell.
Totally not worth it. I'd say go and see the thing go off but don't get your hopes up for some amazing show the way that I did.
It was in Prague where a bunch of us all decided to get tattoo's! I have been wanting a few more for a while now, especially one on my foot... but I thought it would be a stupid idea to get a tattoo done on my foot while traveling, especially considering we go on so many walking tours. I need my feet!!! So... the crave and urge to get some more ink was too strong so I decided to get one across my ribs on a whim. It was very spur of the moment and not planned at all.
I got: 'Live Free' written across the left-hand-side of my body. How much more perfect can you get??? I was freshly single from an extremely rough and nasty breakup, I was alone in a beautiful city with no family - just traveling the world by myself and gaining independence... it was perfect.
After the tattoo's we all hopped onto a cruise boat and enjoyed a scenic boat trip along the water with the most delicious all you can eat lunch included.
One of the reasons I was so excited to go to Prague was because I was meeting up with an old friend there. I was so excited to see a familiar face, someone that knew me from home. As fun as it was going to new places where no one new my name or my story, a little slice of home was more than welcome.
As he is a local there, he took me to this amazeballs little restaurant with the most stunning view and most awesome cocktails called U Prince. U Prince is situated in the Old Time Square and is so worth the visit so honestly if you ever get a chance to get to Prague.. please go there and have a cocktail and enjoy the view for me!
In Prague we did a pub-crawl. My friend got arrested (that still remains a mystery to me!) so I didn't get to see him for more than one drink out in the clubs before he disappeared.
I don't necessarily remember all that much of Prague Nightlife to be dead honest with you.... other than the fact that it was completely and totally out of this world awesome!!! I do remember getting hopelessly lost at around about 2am though while trying to hunt down a pie or some form of edible creation before I passed out. Luckily I went with a friend who kept me safe!
I will say this though: Please come with cash!!! There are friggen no ATM's anywhere but the odd one that you do come across is always swarmed with tourists.
Taxi's are also really expensive so it's best if you go in a group and try to stick together so that you can split the ride back afterwards!
Prague was beautiful and I was sad to leave it behind, but further on I ventured back into Germany and came face to face with the great Berlin Wall.......... that's all next time!
Peace Bloggers'