Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Monday, August 26, 2013

My Weekly Fashion

Last week Tuesday I started work at a real-estate agency literally about a one minute walk away from my house. Being able to walk to work every morning is great! It's better for the environment and gives me a dose of much needed crisp fresh air to start off the day.

I've only just started the second week now so obviously at this stage it is still extremely overwhelming. I'm also highly stressed and have absolutely no time for blogging lately as I just got my study material from a university here... I applied to study a 22 month photo journalism course through correspondence. My head is literally in a constant spin!

Anyway.. I'm sure I'll get the hang of this lifestyle soon. Guess I've just been far too comfortable as a globe-trotting hippie for too long that this is a huge shock to my system.

One thing I like about my new job is not having to wear a uniform. I mean, obviously you have to look presentable but you can be fashionable and feel good about yourself at the same time. Not feel like a complete twat in some mouldy old uniform probably handed down to you from about six other previous employees.

So.. my first week was spent wearing these ensembles:





I hope everyone had an absolutely stunning weekend and wish you all a pleasant week ahead!

A note to my regular readers:
I promise to get back to all your lovely comments you've been loyally leaving for me ASAP!!!! I haven't forgotten any of you... life has just given me a bit of a beating lately.

Much love to all!!
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  1. oooh I love Friday's ensemble. How fun for you to be able to dress up for work. I wear scrubs to the pharmacy.. Not flattering at.all.
    Congrats on the new job and the courses you're taking on the side. You're a go getter kind of hippy:)

    1. Thank you... was feeling Parisian ;) hehehe haha x

  2. Great work outfits Jade, hope you are loving your new job!

  3. love your outfits! great blog!!!!

  4. Congrats on the new job! I love the outfits and your blonde hair! You look really cute!

  5. A job without uniform? You're pretty lucky with it . Can I steal this Eiffle tower? Loev it ;)
    Noor @ Noor's Place

  6. You look lovely in all your outfits! You have such a great sense of style!!!


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"


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