Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Saturday, June 21, 2014

May the Hangover be with You....

Good God......why am I up so early? It's Saturday morning, in the middle of an icy winter and I literally had to defrost my hands this morning. Have you ever been so cold that typing becomes painful?! To top it all off, my head is banging...

Let's compile the facts:
  • Yesterday was Friday.
  • There was a farewell party.
  • There was also a live band... with saxophones, flutes, keyboards and incredible vocals.
  • Unlimited shots.
  • A mixture of brandy, vodka, ciders and wine.
  • Breaking it down on the dance floor.
  • An unexpected mad hatters party.... again. In someones mansion. No lies. AND... Somehow, someone managed to put permanent red lipstick on me and now I have these really odd bright red lips that I can't get rid of!
  • 2am drunken texting and video calls.... I need a better password on my phone. One I can't spell when intoxicated. Any suggestions????
  • A God awful alarm clock jolting me out of my peaceful slumber (ok I lie... I passed the F out when I finally hit the bed!!!) at some unruly hour this morning.

Work. That's why I am up.

Work I tell you.
On a Saturday.
With a mean ass hangover. 

Here's what we got up to last night 

(pre-warning.. the majority of the below photographs are horrendous)

How was your Friday?? Are any of you joining me on the hangover train this morning?? 

If so, how do you intend on recovering?? 

As for me - I have the kettle on the boil. I'm making a strongest cup of coffee I think is humanly possible - and then I am going to shove cake in my face. This cake in fact:

If that isn't a hangover cure... then I don't know what is.

Then, at some point in my life... I should PROBABLY go on a detox. 
But considering it is Saturday..... I may just be inclined to open up another bottle of red and share it with some good friends. 
Maybe even go horse-riding. 
Gate crash a mansion... 
Do sun dance. It's like a rain dance, but praying for sun and warmth... because without it... I may just die. 

Here's to being barefoot and crazy with weekend madness with all your chums. 

Have a goodie beautiful people xxxx

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  1. Hi!! I love your post, is so funny!!!!:) amazing pictures and I need your cake, I'm very hungry!!

  2. Oh honey, I don´t know if I should laugh or have a pitty on you. But it can´t be that bad. Take it this way- the permanent lipstick looks amazing on you and the people you called at 2am had fun from it too. That type of parting is best, because you have great memories on that. Hope you get rid of hangover soon, do you know what helps me? Half glass of water + half glass of orange juice + vitamine C + some sprakling vitamine- like magnesium - and mix it all and drink it. Try it and maybe it will help you. :)
    Fashion Happenss

  3. Saw all these pics on Instagram and knew you were out for a crazy fun night
    Well you really have a lot if strength after drink and all that fun you got up so early
    I am inviting you to enter my 50 euro Divissima giveaway
    Keep in touch

  4. Cold? Here in Pakistan, we're surviving one of the most terrible summer heat! Lol, your photos are just so fun!

  5. Looks like you had a lot of time yesterday night!
    Fabrizia – Cosa Mi Metto???

  6. I wish I could have been at this party, it sounds wild and fun! The cake looks pretty yummy too :)

  7. Hahaha amazing. Looks like you had a lot of fun, and cake is a valid choice of breakfast ;)

  8. Great post love:)

    Keep in touch xoxo

  9. I hope your Saturday night was just as fun as your Friday night. I cant back it up and do two night in a row anymore, I think its called old age.

  10. Looks like so much fun! Love your blog Jade, I followed with GFC :)

  11. Ah yes, that kind of cold. I haven't experienced that feeling in some time now. Years actually. Hopefully it's warmed up slightly for you, enough to stave away early morning frostbite nuisances. And wow, what a Friday you had. I kinda want to - need to see a photo of these red lips hehehe! Unless of course problem has already been rectified. Now, words for your phone? 'definitely' that is a word I have immense difficulty in spelling. I know I'm probably the only one with that bitch of a problem, but I guess I was hoping to find another soul out there who had the same issue as me. And I have trouble because even spell check can't figure it out for me. He always suggests the word defiantly. Dammit! Otherwise google could help, like asking it what is the longest word in the English language and go from there. Or perspicacity perhaps? Those 'c' letters could confuse a drunken mind! no? Anyhow it's Sunday and I have no hangover. Just recovering from a food coma of too much Chinese! But no regrets. And speaking of greasy stuff that usually aids hangover morning afters. Just an FYI for next time Jade ;o)


  12. Haha, it sounds and looks like you had a lot of fun in that party! Maybe, be eveb too much fun!? :D
    Ahh, I had terrible hangover 2 weeks ago, I didn't even drink that much, but I mixed different alcohol together which was a terrible mistake! :D

  13. Look like you had so much fun.such a great night
    Have a great week

  14. The photos aren't horrendous! Looks like you had a good time x


  15. Way to go ya trooper! I like that you had all that fun but you're being a good girl and going to work. I used to be so good at that. Not so sure I would be anymore. Those hung over days at work were sometimes my best. I was more cheery and friendly (probably still drunk) with the customers. For some reason my lips were always really red when I was hung over too.. so I looked good-ish AND I had stupid head, so the day was that much more interesting. Party on Wayne!

  16. Looking lovely, Jade! Hope the headache subsided quickly! T.

  17. I am not a fan of cold (let alone icy cold) weather, so I feel your pain! Sorry to hear about your hangover's the worst when you have to work the next day! Hope you're feeling better now!

  18. Hahaha, oh dear! The worst thing for me about having a hangover is that I always wake up SO early and I'm so tired, but just can't get back to sleep! This was me yesterday, I went out on Saturday night for a friends birthday, got to bed at like 4am and was wide awake from 8am! Worst thing was that I was working at 1pm, if I was able to sleep until 11 like planned, I would not have felt as bad.

    Looks like you had fun anyway!

    Corinne x

  19. OMG, what a great party!
    I appreciate your balancing between work and crazy parties Jade :)
    Hugs from Croatia,


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