Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Monday, June 9, 2014

World Ocean Day

Yesterday was World Ocean Day and even though South Africa is in the middle of one of the chilliest winter's we've ever known, with snow on the mountains and ice on our windshields in the mornings; we were blessed with 25 degree weather and intended to make the very most of it. 

As a surfer, I was invited to attend and take part in a wonderful campaign set up all around South Africa, to raise awareness for the sharks. People are killing the sharks, passing the meat off as tuna or other seafood and we can barely tell the difference. It was such a wake up call when the event organizer mentioned that for those of us who eat seafood have definitely 100% eaten shark in the past without even being aware of it. 

A beautiful thing that made yesterday so special was heading out into the water, forming a circle with the other surfers and having a moment of silence for the sharks whose lives have already been taken.

The thing is, as a surfer you're biggest fear in the water is of course.. sharks. Yet here we all were, forming together in our wetsuits and on our boards, out in the water and fighting for their lives. 

Beyond that, being back out in the water and in the waves made me ecstatic. Yesterday was one of the best days that I have had in a long time - and you can see that from the laughter, smiles and happiness in the following photographs of my World Ocean Day.

This was us, on our way to the beach at a painfully early hour... especially as some of us had rather mean hangovers:

Suiting up to head into the water!
(Best feeling in the world... the smell of neoprene rubber, sea salt and wax puts me into a happy bubble.)

Just after the surf, at the beach cafe getting breakfast and soaking up some rare winter sunlight and warmth.

All of us were full of happiness, laughter and unmissable smiles as we ordered some food and caught up as we basked in the warmth of the sun.

Of course, by the end of the day, all I wanted was to head back out into the beautiful ocean and ride a few more waves before heading home. 

How unbelievably breathtaking is it to be able to look out at the early morning mist hovering over the inviting ocean...? Knowing that those waves, are yours. And in one moment in time, you become one with the universe. Sacrifice yourself to the immensity of the ocean and it's creatures and waves. It is something truly beautiful.

Did any of you celebrate world ocean day and if you did, what did you get up to?

Have a fantastic week ahead guys. 
Catch ya all on the flip side.


  1. I still can't get over that you're in the middle of winter over there! And what a brave soul you are to get out there in that weather! It looks like you had a hell of a lot of fun, though.


    1. I know , I am so envious of your summer time!!! I can almost feel the warmth of the sun on my skin as I look at all the summer photos!!! xxx

  2. Wonderful pics and very meaningful and great event. You have my respect, I would never be able to stand on surf. :)
    Fashion Happenss

  3. lovely post ! i love it!
    youre so beautiful

    visit my new post =)

  4. Sounds like a lovely day- reward for braving the cold! So jealous of surfers, which i grew up near the ocean and had surfing ability

  5. There are a lot of shark culls going on in Western Australia at the moment. I find it disgusting and so unnecessary it s their ocean after all. Great Cause and sounds like you had a great time.

    1. It is disgusting!! And you're so right - it is their ocean. Well said xxx

  6. Lovely photos! Looks like so much fun <3 I've never tried surfboarding before. I'm too scared to wipe out lol but it's definitely on my bucket list.

    1. hahaha don't be afraid!! It is the best feeling in the world and wiping out is part of the fun of it. if you can't laugh at yourself then there is no hope :)

  7. wow! amazing pictures and place :)

    1. Thanks! Amazing that I live just a 15 minute drive from it xx

  8. This was such a nice post to read - especially while stuck in freezing Joburg, it made me feel like I was on the beach right now :) Your photos are absolutely beautiful xx

    Loren |

    1. hehe thanks love - hope JHB isn't too cold!! It is absolutely freezing here now!! xxx

  9. Awesome pics and I believe you had great fun there!
    Have a nice day!

  10. Beautiful pics of you, Jade! And, what a beautiful effort this is! Truly, it's our job to care for the animals--even those we don't understand/fear. Way to go, my Friend! T.

    1. Thank you Tina.. Haha the selfies are ridiculous :)
      I care for all animals - even if they sometimes frighten me or gross me out a bit x

  11. That are really nice pictures and I guess you had a great experience :)

  12. A great cause indeed, lovely the way you celebrated it!! Poor sharks :(
    Fortunately here in Portugal our beaches don't have sharks, it must be scary :P
    Amazing photos, Jade! You look so beautiful and so happy :)
    I celebrate the "world ocean day" everyday......I run down to the beach everyday to watch the sunrise, I have a crush on the ocean, and as I told you before I spend all my free time windsurfing ;D
    Thank you so much for stopping by! Hope you have a wonderful week ahead<3


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

  13. I didn't realise it was World Ocean Day yesterday. I did notice that Johnny Depp turned 50 (or something-and that could have been the day prior too). Ok so don't judge me hahaha! I am an aquarian and adore the water and the animals that reside in those waters. Particularly whales and dolphins. I'm not a shark person exactly. I sure do fear them but I think it's those scary razor sharp teeth that has us on such edge. Our fear of not being in control or being able to control whatever is in their nature is probably what scares us most. Or something like that! I'm no shrink! But as much as I dislike them I don't believe we should just cull them all to protect beaches. It's stupid. And I kinda freaked out at the thought of shark meat in tuna. But then I remembered over here in Oz the humble fish and chips is made with "flake" which is shark meat. So I can't sit here and be all judgemental and stuff because hell I've brought it willingly in the past. That said I hate fish and don't do fish so I only eat it from one place and this place because I've been eating there since I was in nappies and shit. And I actually don't eat it everyday, more like once every 6 months or something. But it's still so wrong to hear that it could be canned and passed off as tuna. So wrong and so sad. It makes you wonder what else is getting caught in the nets and being processed alongside tuna.

    I'm glad you had an epic day and a lot of fun fighting and bringing awareness to a great cause. May the world be filled with more like minded people such as yourself.
    Imagine that!

    1. Thank you so much for your fabulous comment!! I loved reading it and found it really touching. Thank you!
      I only recently heard about the crazy culling in Oz and am in absolute shock. Something more needs to be done!! xxx

  14. ahhh you look like such a beach girl! gorgeous

    Alexa <3

    1. I don't really like stereotypes but I guess I am :D

  15. What an awesome event, you look like such a bad ass.

    I had no idea that anyone would do such a think, that makes me sick. I hope much awareness was spread with this event.

  16. Wow beautiful pictures, what a wonderful day!

    1. Thank you Krysten - I love taking out my camera and snapping shots xxx

  17. Hi Jade! It's weird........yesterday I left a big comment on this post for you, but it's not here :(
    Maybe it is on your spam box .....could you please check it?


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

    1. Thanks for warning me Maria, I had a look and managed to find it!! Been soooo slack with comments :D sorry about that! And thank you it was a wonderful comment!! xxxx

  18. Wow this looks so fun! I wish I could surf, it looks amazing!

  19. WOW lovely shots!


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