Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Friday, May 31, 2013

The Day I Decided To Chop Off All Of My Hair

Two days ago, after having a seriously painful fight with my long locks and a devious hair-brush... I decided that I'd had enough.
As many of my regular readers know, I have been every hair colour in the book: Black to red to platinum blond, purple (an attempt gone wrong from a box with the deceiving title of burgundy,), blue (on purpose... don't ask,).
Due to dying my hair so much, I damaged it beyond repair. It became stringy, knotty, weak and fell out in clumps. I couldn't take it anymore.
Grabbing the pony-tail at the back and snipping it clean off was quite possibly one of the most horrifying yet liberating feelings that I have ever experienced.
If you are feeling daring and you are going to go for such a drastic change, just do yourself a favour and hack the pony-tail off yourself. It feels insane!! The surge of adrenalin is such a kick!
Once it was done, there was no going back.
My hairstylist got to work in giving me a cool style while I stared back at my reflection in the mirror in front of me, mouth gaping open.
Before she started to layer and feather it (giving it some texture and life) I thought I looked like a mushroom top - but once it was done I couldn't have been more thrilled.
I loved it!
Pros of short hair:
  • No more hair fall!
  • No more twenty minute wars with my brush specifically designed to detangle hair!
  • Shampoo and conditioner will last so much longer!
  • Actually, any hair products will last much longer!!!
  • It is healthy and new!
  • It grows back!!!!!!
Cons of short hair:
  • It brings a whole new meaning to the expression, 'Bed Head!'
  • It will take a few years to get back to the length it once was again.
As you can see, the pros completely out-weigh the cons!! And as I said, your hair will always grow back (eventually!).
I have always wanted long hair. I wanted to ombre my hair like Zoella's - but it was just too damaged.
Now I can start fresh, with hair that hasn't been bleached more times than I can count.
It will grow out healthy and strong and one day I will have long hair again.
My original plan was to cut it all off and then grow it back straight away... I think that has changed now.
This new look is a fashion statement.
I think I'm keeping it for a while :)
If you're thinking about it: DO IT!!!!
People Who Suit Short Hair:
  • Square faced people with strong jaw lines (only if you want to enhance your jaw. You have to be confident)
  • Oval faced people
  • Long chinned / jawed people
  • Round faced people (this is a bit of a contraversy. Some people hate round faced people with short hair-styles. Personally I love it. I think that Ginnifer Goodwin (Something Borrowed movie star), looks awesome!
Give it a go.
Take the plunge.
Live Free.


  1. Loving it! You look great x

  2. I think every girl's thought about just chopping off their ponytail at some point - respect for actually going ahead and doing it! You look great :)

    Jodie xo
    What Would Audrey Wear?

    1. Thank you so much! It was SUCH a great feeling. I was a tad worried about what it would be like styling it without a hair-dresser around.. but it is actually so easy and fun!

  3. Wow, your hair looks amazing!! I went from long hair to a bob and now it is currently growing back out, I wish I had the balls to chop it all off!

    1. Do it!!! Took a look at your blog, you would seriously suit it! It will grow back into a bob quickly too!

  4. it looks great! and major props for doing that!

  5. I can not reiterate how did I get here ...
    it is not a problem but my luck
    I do not understand very well about fotografhy and fashion
    but I'm quite aware of the charming smile that
    just about me and you

  6. My hair is so damaged from bleaching it. I want my hair long but the ends look awful. I've actually been thinking about cutting it myself lately. There are all kinds of blog posts out there on how to do it if you look on Pinterest. It's just a bit scary cutting it yourself. hahaha I just need to do it over a weekend that way I don't have to go to work and can go get it fixed if needed.


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