Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Reality Check

I've been quiet lately. In between a little traveling stint to Cape Town and finally finishing my second novel, The Other Woman, completing my journalism degree and working myself silly at the art gallery - I really haven't had any time or patience for blogging. 

It's a hard thing to keep up on such a regular basis and to be honest I don't know how many of you do it! Recently I've noticed how much I'm drifting away from blogging and getting less and less interested in it. There's just so much else going on... but I do love it. I love connecting with all of you from around the globe. I love sharing things that I've tasted, read, watched or experienced with you. I love reading about the things you've tasted, read, watched or experienced so that maybe one day I can try it out for myself! 
Blogging is just a magical thing, really. 
I wouldn't say I write to the best of my ability here - but that's not really the point for me. My novels are where I write and edit and polish and am incredibly anal about.... (haha), but blogging is just a hobby for me... a hobby that sometimes will take a backseat. 

So I am sorry for the absence. 
I doubt that I will ever leave blog-land permanently. I love it too much - but sometimes life really is just a bit too hectic to prioritize blogging. 
It's kind of cool to come back after a few weeks and share photographs and stories with you all on what has been going on lately... well, those of you that follow me regularly anyway! 
I've come back after a few days much needed break and I see that I have a handful of new followers - so welcome to you all and thank you for joining along Bohemian Muses journey! I look forward to keeping in touch with you all and forming intercontinental friendships. 

Since it's Sunday and I just got back from my road-trip up to the city.. and since I'm sitting behind my keyboard sipping on a goblet of Inkspot red wine which is far too tasty.. I thought I'd venture back into blog world again. I've got my gorgeous nephew toddling around my feet, he's just started walking which is too cute for words... and I've got a juicy rump steak on the barbecue. I've got my granny arriving from Scotland in plus / minus one hour and a big family evening ahead.
Life is so good... so busy and filled with wonders and possibilities. 
Tomorrow is a huge day for me. My second novel will be released - I am so excited that there are no words worthy enough to describe it! 
I've decided against publishing chapters onto my blog mainly because that means I'm giving it away for free. Writing, for me, isn't about the money, it's about the passion - BUT, I do want to sell people books to feel like a legitmate author. 
But fear not those of you that are based in NYC, Texas, Aussie-land, Canada, India, Indo, Philippians and Europe (I can on my stats where most of my readers are from!) - I'm going to be releasing the novel in E-Book form soon. I don't know if any of you are familiar with E-Books and Kindles and all that jazz..... I'm not... but I got given some good advice while in Cape Town this past weekend. I can't be naive to technology and how the world is evolving. This is how it is going to explode into something great. 
So keep in touch - and I'll link you to the E-Book sometime soon (once I've figured it all out.....) 

Until tomorrow! (I'll have to post a photo of my book for ya'll to see!) 

Ciao x

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  1. I hear you and am forever apologizing for my absence from the blogosphere. I've gone from blogging every couple of days when I first started to once every one to two weeks. Unfortunately it does not pay the bills so i have to commit my time to things that do. I enjoy blogging and reading other peoples blogs but as you say time is so limited and you too sound so busy with the course, work and the book. Good luck with them all! x

  2. you know what today only i was twlling my friend how i am excited to read the book you have written , i am starting a new segment of book reviews and will surely read yours
    so true, blogging is not about writing to the best of your capability , its about writing what comes to your mind
    i really hope you dont leave blogging ever
    keep in touch

    1. Aw no way, really Pooja? That is so sweet of you!!
      Looking forwadr to your new segment! xx

  3. You definitely embody that bohemian spirit all right. I dont know that I could do it all the time, but it's inspiring and fun to read about your travels. Keep it up!

    I'd love it if you could also come check of my blog!: xx

    1. Thank you Caroline! It's my way of life :)
      Hope to keep in touch xxx

  4. I'm stoked to see the novel and that you are producing an ebook!!! I cannot wait to read it!

  5. Wow, thats amazing! It must be really exciting for you!
    Thx for your comment and for following! Of yourse I just followed back!

    I love your feather tattoo! So beautiful!
    xoxo Colli // my blog - tobeyoutiful

    1. It is exciting, Nicole! Thanks so much for the follow - hope we keep in touch xxx

  6. Jade... I'm so excited for you... this all sounds so wonderful. I can understand why you shouldn't give away chapters for free.. I wish much success.

    I'm happy to hear that you won't give up blogging for good but I understand your need to step back from time to time. I love blogging so that I can connect with so many people around the world.

    Have a great week ♡

  7. Wow! Congrats that you'll have your second novel. Wishing you all the best and success there! I hope I'll be able to achieve my dream of writing my own novel one day :)

    Btw, please visit my blog too. If you liked it, follow me and I'll do the same. Looking forward to hear something from you :)
    The Girl Behind the Pen

    1. Thank you Cielo! I must say that I just read your latest post and fell in love with your writing. That story about the bridesmaid was gorgeous! Keep it up and you'll get there!

  8. I know what you mean Jade, blogging absorb much time and often is very hard to handle! Congrats on your second novel, you must be so thrilled about it!:) Good luck on everything! Kisses xo

  9. I am so insanely excited for you, Jade! xoxox huge congrats!! finishing a book is such an accomplishment. Also, to answer your question MS stands for manuscript, hehe one of my best friends is a doctor and whenever I talk about my progress with my MS he's like "okay to me MS means multiple sclerosis so please just say manuscript!" lol, so excited to read your book!!

  10. Jade! Please don't leave the blogosphere permanently. It's okay to go on leave, just don't be gone too long. I'll miss your fabulous posts. :)

    Have fun always!

  11. This is fantastic, congratulations!:) I have read one of your stories more than year ago, on your blog and I was very impressed so your novel must be really good, I hope I will have a chance to read it.
    I know how hard is to post regulary something on blog, but I'm happy that you won't leave blogging.
    Have a nice day:)

    1. Thank you babe! Oh wow I cannot believe that you remember me writing that!! I never actually pursued that short story further but now that I am looking for something else to write, I might just! Thanks for reminding me!! You're so sweet xxxx

  12. I love blogging to, but I agree it's just not a priority. Real life awaits us outside of the blogosphere.

    I'm so excited for you Jade, you are such an inspiration! I wish you so much continued success, love and happiness.


  13. Hugs and congrats, you talented, prolific soul! Enjoy your visit with your grandmother, and hugs to the little nephew! T.

    1. Awww Tina your words made me blush!!! Thank you xxxx

  14. Babe, you don't ever need to apologise. We are all here for you, and it's absolutely fine to indulge in our real lives! :D And omgosh, this is amazing!! I actually cannot wait for you to release an ebook!! that's so so exciting...I know that I would definitely be downloading it, for I am a huge fan of your writing! <3

    1. Anshul you're such a sweetheart - thank you for the kind words!! I can't wait to share the book with you and hear your thoughts xxxx

  15. Congratulations on your second novel!!! Blogging takes a lot of time, so I don't blame you for having a break.. All the best with your novel, creative soul!

    1. Thank youuuuu Min! I think we all need a bit of a break sometimes x

  16. Nice post dear!
    i'm following you, kindly follow back

  17. i often wonder how people who blog as a hobby (like myself) have time for it all as well! i just never seem to have time to do everything and my blog is the thing that gets neglected first.. there's no need to apologize, though:-) hope life will get less hectic for you and that you're having a lovely week! xxx

    1. I know! It takes up half my day to sit down and a) write a post and b) read everyone else's posts!! But it's worth it. Such a wonderful thing is blogging :)

  18. Good luck with the novel!

    It's fine if you have things going on and blogging needs to take a backseat! We all have different priorities at different points in our lives. We'll still be here :)

    Corinne x

    1. Thanks Corinne, you are all so special to me. Love having you all here x

  19. I know what you mean Jade. And I think the whole world is aware by now how uninspired i've felt and my blogging has definitely suffered for it. My main problem is my direction. I know where I want to go but I just haven't been able to get there. I'm hoping this will change with a New Year and some positive news in my astrology sign (I've had Saturn in my house of careers being a real c*** for the past two years and man have I felt it). BTW I can't wait to purchase your book, I'm no expert on kindle and stuff but still, excited!


    1. Your blog is wonderful though Sonia with really thought out writing - not just random crap thrown together for the post just because. That's why you're one of my favorite bloggers xxxx

  20. It took me a while to figure out your blog but when I did, it was awesome! Thanks for popping by x

  21. I come and go with blogging. I love it when I can make the time, but sometimes I have to put it on the back burner, so I know just what you mean.


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