Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Monday, January 5, 2015

How Well Do We Know Each Other!? | Whipped Cream Fight

In need of a giggle? 

Take a look at my short clips of Sam and I testing how well we know each other!
If we got a question wrong, we get to hit each other in the face with a paper plate filled with whipped cream. 

This is a seriously fun game to play with your partner - if you aren't worried about mucking your hair up or having the faint whiff of cream up your nose for a few days afterwards...............

Video One:

Setting up the whipped cream onto paper plates as a bit of a fail at first.....

Video Two:

Putting Sam in his place! Hahahaha

Video Three:

Sam gets a question wrong.... and got a face full of cream. 
I still laugh at this!! 

Video Four:

Jade gets creamed.....

Video Five:

Mucking about with the whipped cream!

If you enjoy these 'Jam' collaboration videos please let me know and we'll be sure to bring you more goofy vids!
We've already got a few brilliant ideas lined up!

If YOU have any ideas of videos we could do together please leave it in a comment below and we will take all video requests into consideration!

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  1. this made me laugh seeing you giggle and try to buy yourself some time when you were thinking of reasons on how to not get smoked in the face with a plate of whipped cream lol

  2. Jade, you both are so so adorable!!! <3 These are such cuteeee ideas for spending time with our significant other. I will definitely try to convince my man to play such games :p Haha!! I definitely love such videos of yours!! MOREE PLEASE!! :p

  3. Oh my gosh this is so cute and adorable !!!!


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