Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Friday, January 2, 2015

December Favorites

Favorite Highlight of the Month: 
The 5km Color Run!

Those of you who know me, know how obsessed I am with India and attending the Holi One Festival of Colors. 
This wasn't quite India but it was such good fun, filled with laughter, happiness and COLOR! 

'Jam' Moments

We shared some pretty great memories over December - a lot of which were never captured with photographs because we were too busy enjoying ourselves. 
But we discovered the joys of Jenga and getting absolutely pickled (AKA drunk,) together on Jam-Jars and Jagerbombs. 
We spent loads of time chilling out in the sun and surfing... 
and even played a little game you may have heard of called: 
'How Well Do We Know Each Other?!'

This is just a sneak-peak.... the rest will be uploaded in another post sometime soon!

Favorite Hair-Style

The fishtail braid! I freaking love it. 
Enough said.

Favorite Fashion Must Have(s)

Still rocking my Bindi! 

The crystal around my neck has also become a bit of a permanent fixture these days...

and... I also got this bohemian head-braid with beads and feathers for Christmas which I absolutely LOVE. 

Favorite Sentimental Moments

In June, my best friend in the world left. We had dated for over a year and had traveled bits of Africa together. We went through a lot together - more the the average person should ever have to go through.
So when he left, I was alone with a broken heart and empty inside -when he came back for the Christmas holidays we met up for old times sake. 
It's weird knowing things will never be the same again - but it was wonderful to put the past behind us and move on.

Speaking of putting the past behind us.... if you ever read my blog waaaaay back when.. about five years back.. you'll have read a lot about Shaun (he's the one in the yellow vest). 
We dated for going on three years but it didn't work out between us. 
He also came back to the little town I call home for the Christmas holidays and bumping into him was pretty much inevitable so to avoid the surprise and awkward moment, we decided to arrange a little welcome home shindig. Along with my two best friends in the world, Lucien and Ashley, we actually had a really good night. 

So 2015 is starting off with a complete new slate with no bad feelings between me and exes - everything is resolved and in the past. 

It feels so good. 

I also went Christmas shopping with my mama-bear followed by a bottle of wine and a salad in the sun. 
I'm very family orientated so it's always lovely to bond with my loved ones. 


Setting up the Christmas Tree, listening to carols, disasterous family photographs and a delicious Christmas lunch. 
This was just ONE of our Christmas parties.

Sam and I actually attended THREE different Christmas parties last month!!!
His mum celebrates Christmas on Christmas eve so we enjoyed numerous alcoholic beverages and presents the day before the 25th which was a bit different for me but I still loved it!

Then we drove an hour to my house where we had Christmas morning, opening stokings and sitting under the tree to unwrap gifts. 

After a bit of a guilt-trip, my folks managed to make us stay for a small portion of Christmas lunch with them before we THEN drove an hour back to Sam's dads house where we had the most delicious Christmas duck dinner and copious amounts of Shiraz. 

Favorite Birthday Boy

Sorry dad... even though your birthday is on the 28th of December... this month is now also the birthday of my absolutely gorgeous nephew and we celebrated his very first birthday last month. 

And that was my month. 

New Years Eve was spent at home with Lost season 1 with some nice champagne. 

Over all a very festive and busy but chilled and wonderful December was had.
I hope yours was great too!

2014 was a mad year for me and to be honest, relating to my VERY real and honest previous post you can read HERE... I'm glad it's over. 
But it is now 2015 and I am ready to make it mine.
This is my year. 

All the best to all! 
Keep in touch xxx 

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  1. color walk , that sounds fun , like a minni holy
    i like the fish tail braid on you
    Happy New Year

  2. I loved seeing all your pictures, Jade. Looks like you had a very busy and full month. Wishing you a very happy New Year! :)

  3. Happy New Year! Hope this year is going to be good to you and me too! :) Your favourite hairstyle of the month is absolutely stunning! The festival of colours also looks amazing. It reminds me of Kesha's video, maybe this festival inspired her? or maybe the other way round? :) I would be very happy to take part. When I was visiting South Africa I also drank lots of jagerbombs, I love them!!!! Thanks for reminding, I'll order them in the pubs here too!

  4. You have such a great December Jade! Actually, all your moments bring me a smile, you are such a cheerful girl! Love the fishtail braid on you, I never learnt how to do it, my hair it too thin!:/ Happy weekend! xo

  5. YAY for color run. I have never ever been to one, mainly because I have no idea if any happens at Karachi. I love your fishtail braid. Have you got some tutorial or could you make one?

  6. Hi Jade, lovely to hear from you. What a fun packed 2014 you've had and you look so happy and very well traveled. I'm glad the festive period is all over too, as much as I enjoy it and am looking forward to seeing what 2015 brings. Stay in touch. if you're on Instagram come and find me @forcailini and i'll follow you back. Take care

  7. It is always so refreshing when you can bypass all the nonsense and develop a civil friendship with exes. hehe

    Can we talk about fishtail braids for a moment! I love them. I learnt to do it about 2 years ago and I would constantly fishtail braid my hair, but now that it is short, it sucks. :( lol

    That video of you is so cute. I love your accent !!!

    Your December sounds amazing and I love your amulet <3

    [I had written a comment before but google wasn't signed in and I lost everything and it was another essay type] :( Sorry this is shorter. lol

    Happy New Year sweetie !!

  8. It looks that your December was really awesome! These pictures are really cute:)
    I like the fishtail braid.
    Happy New Year!!!:)

  9. Wow, you have had some amazing things happen in 2014... I really want to do a color run... when we have ours, it is always outside the city and I don't drive but I am trying to work things out so that I can get a drive with someone. It looks like so much fun..

    I wish I could get some closure with the man I loved and it didn't work out... we were friends for so long after we dated but inevitably he met someone and she was jealous and insecure and now we don't talk and it was sudden like... I have known him for over 35 years....

    I hope you have an amazing new year... thank you for dropping by and commenting Jade... xox

  10. What a fun time Jade!! Can't wait for your India plans to materialize :) Happy new year
    Keep in touch

  11. I love Jam moments, that's so sweet! Sounds like a busy Christmas having to spread yourself between all those different families!

    I never realised you were from South Africa (well, England originally - I just read your about section ;) ) for some reason I always assumed that you were American until I saw the sun in the background of your Christmas dinner photos and was like WTF!

    Happy new year

    Corinne x

  12. All these happened in one month? Wow girl, you live a full life, don't you? :D
    Hope you'll have fuller months this 2015! Stay fab!

  13. lovely wee december recap:-) it seems like there was lots of happy moments after all! xx

  14. That all sound like lot of fun!!! Glad you enjoyed your month!!! ;) xoxo

  15. Sounds like an awesome month! I love how the bindi looks on you, and also the fishtail braid.

    Cheers Jade!

  16. What fab December pics and memories! I adore your new profile pic on the blog header, too--lovely! T.


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