Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Meet Jason Hartman

Ladies, meet Jason Hartman. 
His music will change your life.

Jason won South African Idols back in 2009 and has recently been traveling through Africa, raising money for the Rhino's. 

I met him last year and had absolutely no idea who he was. We've remained friends ever since. 
I got a call from him the other night telling me he was in town, playing a few gigs and wanted to catch up. 

The reason Jason and I get along so well is because we are both free-spirits. 
No one can tame us. 
It's not often you find someone who shares the same mind-set. I know way too many people who are so content to just sit back and do nothing in life: Go no where... accomplish nothing. It saddens me.
We on the other hand, are people that break free from conformity. 
We go with our guts, take risks and aren't afraid to make mistakes. 

It's life!
Live it!!!!

A friend of mine is going through some pretty rough stuff in her love life at the moment and it reminded me of a great quote that is also really relevant to this post:

"Maybe some woman aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they are just waiting for someone wild enough to run with them!" 

That about sums me up.

It started out as a great, innocent night but add a few margarita cocktails into the mix and things started to get a little cray cray!

Yes, I am very aware at just how unfortunate the above photograph is.....
and the below now that I think about it. 

I am so proud of the artists from South Africa, we really do have so many talented musicians born and bred from our part of the world.
Jason's voice is amazeballs. Enough said.
I just had to introduce you all to him - because his music is incredible!!
The best part is that he's such a down-to-earth person. When I hang out with him, I don't see some famous star that has camera's filming him and a mass fan-base. I see a human being and one that is doing something so so good for the Rhino's here in South Africa!!!

Did you get up to anything crazy over the past weekend???
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  1. i realy love this stuff
    check my blog if you want too:)
    NEW POST ->

  2. very interesting blog !

    would you like to follow each other ?

    I'll follow you straight now on bloglowin and gfc
    I'll wait for you


  3. These are such great picture! The helmet is a cool accessory at any event. Jason FTW! It's really great to hear about South African celebrities really partaking in good causes.

    I didn't get really crazy but I did have many tequila shots (which I'm happy to have back in my life) in the middle of Langebaan at someone else's rented holiday house. It was a party *snap snap*

    1. You're South African!? :)
      I love meeting other SA Bloggers! :)

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Jenniya, so glad you find my drunkness amusing ;)

  5. Wow... Nice pics.. Seems u had a gr8 tim..
    Keep in touch

  6. looks like a lot of fun

  7. Morning Jade! Lovely pics!!!
    I"m following you via GFC and via Bloglovin!
    My GFC box is on the left.... keep in touch!!!

  8. So fabulous! Looking good!
    personal style and fashion musings of a LA fashion lawyer living life in the fab lane!

    1. Fashion Lawyer!? haha cool checking out your blog now x

  9. great photos!
    I'm following you now, I hope you'll follow me back!

  10. What a cool friend to have! I think so many people get wrapped up in the idea of being friends with someone famous for its own sake, but that is so silly. Having notoriety (among a million other things) can give people an interesting and unique perspective on the world though, and I think that's a great thing to find in a friend! I so agree with your friend's quote. I could never be with someone who didn't share my thirst for adventure! Looks like you had a total blast!


  11. Jade congrats on becoming a auntie. That is so exciting. My daughter is the best that happened to me and my husband. Girl or boy it's so much fun to dress them up, but ya for a little girl there is so much out there, from dresses, hair accessories, adorable shoes, tutus, tiaras :)...
    If you like check out my online baby and mommy boutique.

    1. Awesome thank you so much Claudia! Definitely having a look!! xx

  12. I SOOO appreciate you following my blog and leaving that sweet comment girl! :) You are absolutely gorgeous!!! I will definitely have to check out and listen to Jason Hartman. It is always SO wonderful when a famous person is so down-to-earth. You are just stunning & I'm following you now too!!!! :) Looking forward to keeping in touch girl! :)


  13. We all need a little bit of crazy in our lives :) Very cute post!

  14. you look so pretty! Follow you babe

  15. I have never listened to anything by him, but I agree, great!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  16. That is an amazing quote, I love it! This post made me think about my boyfriend, he helps me everyday to be less tamed and find my wild side, I'm grateful for him and his wild spirit in my life.

    Love the strength of this post.

    1. So happy you've found someone like that to share life with, we all deserve such a person xxx

  17. Looks like you had a great night!
    Fashion Ganache.

  18. cute pics;o))

    Would you like to follow each other?




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