Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Other Woman

Tonight I realised that nearly a year ago, I had my heart broken.
In October of 2012 my world came crashing down around me. It has taken me up until this point to be able to really even think about it, but now I have started work on the beautiful love story that it triggered and inspired.
My second novel, title unknown yet but for now called: The Other Woman, is now finally back up on the drawing board and although it still really hurts to think back on it all, the novel is going to be amazing.
Sometimes it takes hard, painful things to happen so that good things can become of it. This painful experience in my life has been the most confusing situation that I have ever been in and my heart still aches today... but it is time to face my demons and turn this into something positive.
I have no regrets.


  1. I hope you can turn the painful experience into something that you can feel good about. Time really does heal all wounds (cheesy, but true)!

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