Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Bye Bye, Blue Crush..... Bloggers, I need your HELP!

It's been an absolutely wonderful 5+ years with my beautiful Blue Crush surf mobile - she has taken me on some incredible journeys that I will never forget... so it with great sadness that I tell you that I had to say goodbye to her yesterday..... sniff sniff. It really does seem like just yesterday that I wrote THIS POST on this blog, letting you all know I got a new car! I love this car to the ends of the earth. Maybe it's silly to be quite so sentimental about a car, but I am. So many memories and experiences were had because of her... But... got to keep embracing the change that comes with this fresh start I've been offered in life 
heart emoticonSo Bye Bye, Blue Crush... 
heart emoticon
 So bye bye, Blue Crush. I hope your next owner loves you as much as I... 
heart emoticon

With the heartbreaking farewell of my beloved Blue Crush, came the welcoming to my new Golden Child...

This is the part where I need your help... 
Creative friends from the Blogosphere, please help me name my new car! 

Blue Crush was easy... 
a) she was blue
b) I surf

But now this new beauty queen needs a name and want it to be as unique as my last! 
So names like Sunflower, C3po, and bloody Gold Member are out.
It doesn't even necessarily have to contain the word 'Gold.' 
I want something boho but sophisticated for my new wheels.

I'm looking forward to hearing what you all come up with!

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  1. Your new car is beautiful! What a great color. I like "Autumn" as you suggested too. The gold color makes it look very classy.

  2. What about Sandy Gee (or G) because she is the colour of sand and she's your golden girl!?

    Or Mas is the Balinese word for Gold (since that was your last visit) so some play on that?

  3. this is such a cute car! and a name... hm... how about locks? like goldie locks? i don't know, i tried! haha

    love the blog too, girl! if you get the chance i'd really appreciate it if you checked out mine and let me know what you think! i'm looking for some opinions from other bloggers to make mine a little better! :)

    have a great week!
    love, rach.

  4. Congrats! Is it a Jetta? I drive the same car.

    How about Golden Goddess or Sunlight? That's all I've got.

  5. I don't have any creative names for you, but she sure is beautiful. So fun to find a new car you that you love.

  6. Jade, I love the color of your new car, it is one of my favorites for a car (even though I have no idea how to drive... lol)... I am terrible with coming up with creative names... I can't wait to hear what you decide on though xox

    I haven't written for a bit as I have been super busy, I am hoping to get to that this weekend... time sure flies lately xox

  7. Autumn is a great name too.. I'd name it Goldie Locks 'coz it's gold in colour :)

    Style..A Pastiche! - New Post - Hats

  8. She's lovely! But I am terrible at choosing names. I named mine CARla.....

  9. your new car is so pretty, I love the color! maybe try going on some adventures with her-- maybe along the way you can find a new name :)


  10. Isn't obvious ??? GOLDIE ! It's simple, it's cute.
    Very nice upgrade !

  11. Aaw I remember when you first blogged about your new blue car! Has it been that long? Wow, time flies!
    Bye bye cute little blue car!
    As for the new one, it is sooo pretty! Love the golden colour! It reminds me of golden October light in the trees, so maybe the name could be "Indian Summer" or something like that.

    Have fun with your new ride, I hope it will carry you through many adventures! :)

    Bad Taste Toast - A German/Australian Style Blog

  12. I'm still driving my first (technically 2nd, the 1st only lasted 6 months) car, a little blue Honda I call Antonio ahahaha! I know what you mean about sentimental. At my "age" I should be driving something flashier but I can't part with him/her (sometimes he/her changes sexes), I really can't. And even if I did I'd have to give him/her to my parents to keep and use until it literally died. It's been such a good car to me and I don't want to let it go to just anybody. I feel sad for your loss but excited for new beginnings. In terms of a name, geez you caught me off guard. You'll probably hate my sugesstion but how about Delevegne? I purposely didn't spell it correctly cos I thought (if you chose this) to let you chose the spelling. You VW kinda reminds me of her eyebrows you see, how? I don't know! Maybe in the filter you've used or in the grill but that's the first thing that pops into my head. And I feel it's maybe fitting. Sure it doesn't scream BOHO QUEEN but it totally can! Delevegne kind of reminds me of a free spirit, a little bit French, a little bit wanderer. And if you think of the model, well she's unique and plays by her own rules, pretty much the definition of a bohemian soul no?!


  13. All it reminds me of is the name of my previous post - Sunny Daze :) Pun intended!
    June Wants It All - Indian fashion and lifestyle blog

  14. Haha, I have no idea at all ;) I am bad with cars... I do not even have a dirvers liscence ;)
    Could you do me a favor and vote for me in the Keimling Award contest? That would be sooooo nice of you! Its only one click on VOTE here: Keimling Award
    Thank you soooo much : )

  15. Congratulations, Jade!!!!!! There's a car I want to buy, as my first car. Honda Civic Reborn in red color. I call it Princess GRed in my head (GRed= graceful red)
    Ummm, let me think something for you. Ray of summer, summer shimmer, golden dream? I'm running out, haha!

  16. Hey Jade! I'm rubbish with names but here it goes;
    Dior - means gold in French
    Aurelia - means gold in Spanish



  17. Jade, you are so right in saying that,"you should embrace the changes." We should always embrace changes, and on a positive note! And feeling attached to old 'favorite' things is so special. We should not forget their importance in our life:)
    Congrats on your new car:) She is beautiful!!
    I have a name for her:) "Golden Wanderer"
    Have A Great Week and Lovely time with your new car:)

    xo Epsita


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