Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Girl's Night Out

Allow me to paint a picture of my Tuesday night for you...

Warning: This may get colourful - not advised for photo-sensitive viewers.
We had suuuuuchhhh a blast last night. It started as innocent as a Tuesday could be.... me depleting a bottle of red wine to myself.
My girlfriends showed up after work and we started to crunk it up in the bar. It was kind of a 'welcome-to-the-family' for Juliet and Renee, a 'happy-birthday-bitch' to Chanel and a 'see-you-later' for yours truly!

Times are a’changin at the spa… with new ladies joining our crew, some aging (next year I’ll need to buy Chanel either a new liver or a leopard print lined coffin..) and some (ME!) off to backpack Europe and head off to London! Whoever has allowed me to be let loose around the globe doesn’t know what they bargained for  . . . watch out world! Here I come!

We found a fan.. (no, sadly not a flattering 'Can I have your autograph!' fan... but the actual scary looking machine fan that I keep having nightmares about,) and Renee became a Marilyn Monroe impersonator for a few amusing minutes.

And then, inevitably, we joined in.

Ok enough of that...

As many of you know, I don't drink tequila. I've never been able to stomach the stuff.
The below was purely a poser moment - lame.
I stuck to 'Pancakes' all night.
Best damn shooter I have ever knocked back.

This was not as hilarious as it looks. Greasy, salt seasoned chips in my ears. Classy.


But hey... it could have been worse!?

Moving on!
To anyone I ran into last night: The wine made me do it.

On that note, I'd like to take this opportunity to apologise for my Ghetto dance moves. I'll let you all use your imaginations on that one.
I can tell you this though... whatever you're thinking, it's worse.


  1. This post has made me want to go out haha! I don't know how anyone can not love tequila, best drink ever! Good luck on your travels around Europe, I went travelling for my gap year and it was hands down the best time of my life, I haven't done Europe yet though so that's next on my list. Bet you're so excited!
    Following you back on my personal and blog accounts, I hope to see lots of amazing travel photos soon!!

    Sophie at xxx

    1. Thank you so much!

      Where did you travel to?

  2. jealous of how much fun that looks! I turn 25 this sunday and hope to have some of these moments as well! What a gorgeous group of girls!! ...still jealous of your Europe trip!

    1. Ah thank you so much sweetpea!

      Happy birthday for this Sunday! Hope to see a fun-filled post of your shenanigans! Have a blast xxxx

  3. It´s so good to find your blog, is really great! We are following you now via GFC!
    Feel free to follow us too:

  4. It looks like you had a lot of fun with your friends!

    Come enter the Necklace Giveaway on our blog!

    Jessica @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

  5. Looks like you had a blast! I love the fry pictures, too funny!

  6. Pahahahha! "Ghetto dance moves" Love it, oh we've all been there! Looks like my kinda night! xx

  7. Your dress is gorgeous - where's it from?

    Looks like you had super fun, I love nights like that!


  8. Oh wow, sounds like you ladies had so much fun. You look fab Jade so all of the ladies as well..Thanks for stopping by on my blog darling..

    PS. I just finished up the new outfit post for today. Welcome again sweetie xx

  9. Hello beautiful! that as fun photos! sure was fun to spend the afternoon with your friends! Kisses!!

  10. hahaha!! looks like you had so much fun!! yay for candid moments while drunk, hahaha!!! :D

    Click me for my NEW BLOG

  11. what a lovely blog ! do you wanna follow eachother ? If you follow me I definitely follow you back asap!
    Let me know

  12. Seems like you girls had a lot of fun!

    Thank you for your lovely comment, I am now following you back on gfc and bloglovin too!

    new post is up:

  13. That looks like a fun night!! Have a great weekend :)


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