Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Monday, February 4, 2013

It's a Beautiful Day to Create

Over the course of the weekend I have been trying to enjoy the revelry of song writing.
few years ago, when I was much younger, I used to be pretty good at it. It used to be easy for me to pick up a pen and some paper and to pour my emotions onto a page – whether they be happy or sad. Nowadays however, I think I am too concerned about perfection and I cannot help but be disappointed in myself.
Whatever happened to the Jade that said, “Not all writing can be good. You need to collect and treasure the bad because it helps you to both recognize and appreciate the good when it comes around.” Can you imagine how boring it would be if we only ever read and wrote good work?! But I guess it is like ‘they’ say, “It is far easier said than done.”
I could easily sit and scrutinize my writing from its very first breath. I barely give it a chance.

I think I have realized that writing needs to be like strumming on a guitar.
Every chord has a colour and each generates a different emotion. You need to listen to what emotion each chord evokes and tell that story however it feels.
If it is a major chord then it is usually a positive feeling whereas if it is a minor chord it is more emotional, deeper.
A writer knows what colour a word is. It is a dictionary written in their heart and constantly surging through their veins.
Give your words the chance to mix into the colours of a beautiful sunset and enjoy the process of creating.


  1. This is really beautiful. I understand what you mean about major and minor chords, the do something to you but you're not sure how! I love your blog :)
    Jess xx

  2. Lovely post, good luck with the song writing!


  3. This is a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Great that you're inspired to create. Creating is beautiful and makes us feel alive. And it doesn't have to be perfect.


  5. "A writer knows what colour a word is. It is a dictionary written in their heart and constantly surging through their veins.
    Give your words the chance to mix into the colours of a beautiful sunset and enjoy the process of creating." I found these lines to be so inspiring!


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