Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Little Bit of Ben Howard

Have you ever listened to a CD and found not one fault in it... besides maybe when the tracks are up? Well, that's Ben Howard's album - Every Kingdom, to me. 
It's not very often I find a CD and enjoy every single track it has to offer.. I usually find myself skipping ahead to the one's I really love and relate to, overplay the hell out of them and them move on to something else. 
I cannot choose a favorite song off this CD, each one is as pleasant as the next, but I've put in two really stunning songs below for you to have a listen to:

 I really do love Ben Howard's music; I could listen to it at any time of day... before work, on my way to work, winding down after work with a glass of wine in the bath.. a dinner party, a lazy Sunday barbecue with the family... 
Any time of day... Ben Howard is more than welcome. 

(Had a good chuckle at a status I put up on Facebook the other day... Kindly commented on by brother and mother. They know me too well..)

(PS... for the record, it wasn't me who did this graffiti, that sign is far too high up for me to reach. But, whoever did, is pretty cool...)

post signature


  1. Jade, I enjoyed listening to these two songs/watching the videos! Ben Howard rocks!!! Hugs & bliss, T.

  2. I've never listened to him, but I think I just might check him out.

  3. I love Ben Howard particularly only love and the wolves. He's just so good!
    -Magenta xxx

  4. I have never listened his albums, but that is so funny what your mother and brother
    commented on facebook:) Btw, I'm still impressed of your last story, I really love reading it!

  5. It's so chill. I'm all about the chill music. He reminds me a bit of Ed Sheeran. (then I googled both of them.. and they're each from England..! Probably why the remind me of each other.. You can hear their accents when they sing. VERY sexy..) Although I will say- Ben is much much better looking than Ed. I like The Wolves out of the two you posted! I have never heard of him before!
    The facebook feed is pretty funny. Gotta love family!

  6. Hehh, such a lovely song and thanks for sharing with us this album. ^^ the signboard with his name is really cool. x

  7. hahah! how epic is that "graffiti". very cool!!

    Animated Confessions


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