Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Hair Change

On Saturday morning I'm spoiling myself with something that I don't do very often - a hairdressing appointment.

As it turns out, my blonde hair literally NEEDS to go... sniffle. I went to one of the fanciest hairdressers in town (hey... if you're going to do it, might as well do it in style right?). Anyway, Oscar and Frank, the artists themselves, have refused to bleach my horrendous roots to remain blonde. They told me that it is beyond bad for your hair and they suggested that I go back to being dark.

I'm pretty sad - as I'd always envisioned being a blonde bride - which is pretty far-fetched seeing as that I need to snag me a fiance first of all..... BUT - I need to do what is best for my hair now.

Now, I like to be different. No matter if it's in what I'm wearing, my hair, my facebook status... I enjoy being unique.

Sooo... I went onto my beloved Pinterest site and Instagram and found some images of funky and different short hair colors I like but now I can't choose!!

To be honest, I really wanted to go deep dark red like this:

But here is my dilemma... I have a wedding coming up in November and I have just found my dress:

Red hair isn't going to suit it! And I'm dead-set on the dress so for once my hair is taking the back seat in the decision making.

So I've narrowed it down to the following choices:

And if you click the link below you'll see some of the old styles and colors that I have been in the past.

I'm leaning a lot towards this style and coloring: 

Fringe, messy and ombre! But I need some help and advice. Please let me know what you think I should do!

(or should I just do the red and be done with it!!??! It does look gorgeous.....)

Thank you lovelies xxxx

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  1. The dress is very nice, so I can understand hair taking back seat.. i think you should go for style and color in second pic..
    keep in touch,

  2. That last pic is my fave, but you will look gorgeous no matter what you decide to do! Go with what your heart leads you to--you'll not go wrong! Your wedding dress is so very lovely, Jade! Hugs, T.

  3. I love love love the ombre - and it's so easy to maintain - it's designed to look messy which is a total bonus for me! :) I've just dyed out my ombre, ironically with bright red! Haha. The Jessica Stroup style is so gorgeous too. You have the bone structure to carry off so many choppy short styles...whichever you choose will be stunning.

    Thanks for following, Beautiful...I think you're possibly my second one? haha! Movin' on up! :) xx

  4. I love messy hair looks, you should get mess & sass in you hair! You'd look gorgeous, I bet that!

  5. Lovely look :)

    New Post Up:

  6. I love the dark haired one...! I'm so plain.. but it is really pretty. PLUS.. having looked over your past hairstyles and colours.. I believe that the dark brown really suits you! But you probably don't want that answer.. you want me to say RED.. don't ya... ;)

  7. I really like the second and last one, Jade!

  8. Ohhh love them all, especially that last one. My hair would probably be too thick to do that though :(
    They look like julianna hough's hairstyle, so perfect.
    Love how they get shorter at the back :)
    Sarah x

  9. I love messy hair with fringe. So nice.
    I'm dark haired but last week I went to the hairdresser to change that, nom I'm red-black and I love it :)
    Blog: Regando mi cactus - New outfit!

  10. I vote for fringe, messy and ombre! It's gorgeous, plus it goes well with your fun personality!

  11. I love the bottom one! And the one after the two instagram photos! Either way you will look gorgeous!

  12. the red one looks cool! and i guess the dark brown will be awesome on you too <3

    Letters To Juliet

  13. I love the messy hair and fringe, but that red is gorgeous! I love all the different colors in it, I wish I could pull off such a shade

    Mili from call me, Maeby

  14. Doll as much as I want to be on the red bandwagon (which I totally am BTW) this might change your mind. Red is incredibly hard and annoying to maintain. It looks awesome, fiery and bright the first days then after a few washes, it dulls out ever so fast! I'd go with the lovely brown and blonde ombre, still keeping with some blonde at the bottom but the base of your head will be brown and roots getting all thick and healthy again hahaha! I've been drooling over that look myself, just waiting for my colorist to come back from holidays! Anyhoo, I realize this may be fruitful since it's Monday and you've probably got your hairs all did already lol but anyhoo I know you'll look gorgeous as ever and can not wait to see the result.

    FYI I also 'plan' and have expectations of my appearance for my own wedding, despite single status right now hahaha! Totally not weird right!

  15. Don´t do the red...I think the other options are just so much more interesting if you can get your hair dresser to mix the right colors! The honey brown tones look so much more natural and you can work with them better...but thats just me..:)

  16. I died my hair red and after it I said I never ever get another colour. red heads are the best;) So my advice - RED!:)




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