Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

How to Make Your Ponytail Look Longer Than It Is

My hair is not long...

2 years ago I chopped it ALL off into a pixie cut.

Here's a picture as evidence:

In the 2 years since then, my hair has taken its sweet time to grow back to this:

So HOW do I get a ponytail to look this long without the use of extensions or clip in hair pieces???? 

It's SO simple I have no idea why I hadn't thought of it before to be honest!

* All you do is scoop your hair into two different sections. 

   * Tie each section into a ponytail: one on top and one below. 

(Make sure the top ponytail has enough hair to hide the elastic for the below ponytail... you need to try and make it look as natural and as sneaky as possible :)

It takes less than a minute to style your hair this way and gives you so much extra length.


Do you have any awesome hair tricks? 

I'd love to read all about them in the comments below!

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  1. ugh I'm regretting the decision to chop my hair off in November as I want it long for the wedding. I'm doing everything to get it to grow long again, even considering trying caster oil next lol

  2. I cut my hair 8 years ago, when I lived in Ghana (it was just too hot!) and since I did not manage to let it grow again. I love my short hair but I have these days where I feel like I want long hair again ;) you look really pretty with both the long and the short hair and I like your ponytail trick!
    It made me smile to read that I made you think more again of becoming a mum! We have decided on a name but I am actually going to keep all of this away from my blog to keeps my babys privacy. My husband prefers so and I can understand him.
    Have a most wonderful day dear and thank you for your last comment on my blog! Yours comments always make me happy! :)

  3. I just love visiting your blog! You’re so inspiring! Loving your hair! Simply gorgeous!
    Happy Wednesday!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  4. this is brilliant! Must try this. My hair was waist length but I hacked it off in august since it was so unhealthy and dry! It's finally longer again (hits just shy of the middle of my back) but for me it still feels "short" lol. My only real hair trick is to use a pretty bobby pin to pin back my bangs, since my hair is curly and my bangs look ridic curled up! not a big trick haha! xoxo

  5. you have such pretty hair, I wish my hair was long enough to do that.

    check out my newest post

  6. That's pretty cool how that works! (My hair grows so fast, it's ridiculous. I don't think I'd ever have to worry about making it look longer.)

  7. i do this a lot to make ponytail look heavy and fuller
    u look so different in pixy cut
    Keep in touch

  8. oo this is such a good tip! My hair is actually too long at the moment, need a good trim! I sometimes add a row of extensions into it when I plait it though just for extra thickness :)

    Becca xx

  9. oh that's a really good idea!

    xx danielle // shades of danielle

  10. I love this trick, I haven't tried it in a while (I can never do it right maybe because I use the wrong colour hair bands)
    I like these little life hack posts :)

    A way to make your hair look longer when it's down is to make the underneath layers straighter than the top layers eg. wave the bottom layers but curl the top layers. It gives the illusion that your whole hair is curled but longer.



  11. What a fun idea to make your hair appear longer.

  12. That is such a brilliant hair trick, never thought about it before! I had almost waist length hair that I chopped off about 4 inches and this Saturday I'm going for a long bob. Am so tired of long hair, I had it for almost 15 years!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  13. Jade, many years ago, I was going through an awkward stage with my hair, you know the one where you just end up cutting it off because your are too impatient to get to the next stage... I ended up doing my hair similar to yours... only I did it with 3 pony's for almost 6 months.. Finally it got to that long stage that I loved and kept for a couple of years... I miss my long hair but with all the walking I do, I just ended up with a pony or messy bun... and my hair needed a break... maybe I'll do it again some day... This is a great idea, your hair does look longer this way xox

  14. Very clever trick! My hair pretty much makes the decisions on my head, not me. Hahaha! I gave up long ago trying to fight with it much. :)

  15. How creative!!! I don't have any this advanced to share with you :)


  16. Omgg Jade this is really a creative idea, why I have I never tried it before?? I'm going to try it tomorrow, my hair is already up to my waist so I hope I look like Rapunzel with this haha great post<3 <3 Benish | Feminist Reflections

  17. Great trick, I hadn't thought of it before. I'm going to try it. Have a great day!

    Jasmine x
    For a Real Woman

  18. Never thought of trying this,my hair is not that long either. I have tor try this out , i'm always looking for different ways to style my hair and change my look. One thing you will not catch me doing though is dying it. Your hair looks great.

  19. Such a great idea and so simple too! I am all about quick and easy hair tricks. :)

  20. hmmm usually i like my hair dropped on my shoulders :D i am not playing too much with them...maybe i should start doing something hmmm :D

  21. Such a clever idea Jade! Absolutely great x

  22. This is genius! My hair has gotten pretty long, but I love making it look longer!

  23. Yessss- what a cool trick! Love this!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  24. That's such a good trick!


  25. Erm this is so simple and clever, how have I not thought of it haha! You genuinely can't even tell that your hair isn't that long. I'm going to give this a go next time my hair is up!

    India | Touchscreens & Beautyqueens | UK Lifestyle Blog

  26. You always have some of the greatest posts on your blog! This is such a smart idea. I've seen similar tutorials like this on Pinterest before but have never gotten around to trying it.


  27. It is a brilliant idea and Sissi has already shared it on my blog before:
    I have never had to try this out on myself though as my hair has been long for a long time..

  28. I try that to give my hair faux def works,nice! Wats ur thorts on my latest

  29. What lovely pics! You are so pretty, Jade! And, I love the pony tail! A side pony is my "go to" when it gets to be hot and humid (can't wait for those days to emerge). :) T.

  30. Genius! <3
    thax for sharing :D

  31. haha, that's a great trick! wish my hair was at a stage that i could try this. didn't know you'd had a pixie! but i'm sure you can relate to the tedious process of growing it out, ha. actually the worst! xx

  32. This is honestly one of my favorite hair tricks! I always forget to use it though but since I have shorter hair now, I'm definitely going to keep this in mind :)
    Olivia | Her Name Was Celebration

  33. How come I never thought of that? I swear I thought you're gonna pull a Kylie Jenner with all those extensions and stuff. Haha! Great post!

    Janelle | Styles & Prints

  34. :O Thanks for sharing this! This is such an insanely good idea, I'm trying it tomorrow!

    Rachel xx

  35. This look suits you! Gorgeous as ever. Can't wait for my own new look this month. I'm planning on cutting my hair and getting a new color too. :)

  36. Oh, this is really a clever idea! Your ponytail looks absolutely long through this trick and you beautiful as usual <3 My tricks? As I need volume for my hair I need donuts for the bun and many hairclips for pretending volume :) Wish you a happy weekend!
    xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena

  37. This is such a great idea! I cut my hair last March and now it's long again but I want it longer! This is a great thing to try to make my hair look even longer! Btw I actually was thinking of cutting my hair in a pixie cut as I want a change but too scared to chop that much off! Kudos to you for doing it! Xo

  38. Gosh why have we never realised this before? So simple and so damn sneaky, I love it!

  39. You are clever!! I am hopeless at doing my hair so I have no tips to share!!! This is a great idea though!x

  40. You are clever!! I am hopeless at doing my hair so I have no tips to share!!! This is a great idea though!x

  41. That is a great idea! I've seen it before but never tried it, I should! :) Now my hair is shorter it would really help the illusion of length, once it's long enough that I can tie it back of course! :)

  42. Hey there pretty lady... fortunately my hair grows like a weed and stays unmanagably thick but maybe one day when I decide to chop it all again, I'll be needing your ponytail trick


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