Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Saturday, February 28, 2015

February Favorites

Hi everyone!

Are you all sitting cozy with your coffee / tea / hot chocolate or wine??? 


I hope you enjoy my post today. 
It's just a little look into my February. Which was CRAAAAAAAZY by the way!

I hope you all had an excellent month too and look forward to hearing what exciting things happened to you throughout the month in the comments below! 

Favorite Purchases:

I found my bikini for Bali and Philippines!!!
I fell so in love with this little number I just couldn't resist the splurge... can't wait to pack it in my suitcase and head off for Southeast Asia!

I also FINALLY found my leather backpack that I've been hunting for... and got it at an absolute BARGAIN!!!
The money went towards a good cause too.
I found this little guy while stumbling around town in a pair of painful heels with no soles! I'd crept into this tiny store called Eye Love to give my feet a break when I spotted a leather backpack jammed into the corner window.

It was love at first sight.
And now it's going to be slung across my shoulders when I backpack through Southeast Asia in a few months time!

Favorite thing to do in my spare time:

The ocean is my safe haven. Every chance I get I am down on the shore, digging my bare feet into the sand and enjoying some down time. 

Favorite Photograph:

I took this one evening while the sun was setting over the rolling hills of the beautiful town I am lucky enough to call home.

Favorite Reads:

I started reading A Street Cat Named Bob by James Bowen. 
I never denied being a crazy cat lady..........

Book review on A Street Cat Named Bob HERE.

I've also been loving lazy Sunday's kicking back with a cup of tea and reading up about Indonesia... My flight's in 4 months time!!!!

Favorite Exercise:

I started Crossfit. 
That is what I look for before Crossfit....

And this is what I look like afterwards:

An absolute sweat monster!

Favorite Laugh:

For anyone who does Crossfit, I'm pretty sure this picture is self-explanatory.

Oh! I also had this pic posted onto my Facebook timeline from my best friend, Lucien... I think tea actually came out of my nose I laughed so hard:

(Every bit of that screams Jade!)

Favorite Decision:

Just over a month ago, I made the decision to stop drinking.
Not altogether... but I decided to cut back a lot. 

It had gotten to a stage where I would open a bottle of wine every single night and in the end I just got sick of it. 
It started making me miserable. 
It was effecting my mind and my body and so I took a stand. 
I replaced alcohol with Crossfit and stuck to teas, hot chocolate, WATER and Bloody Mary's without any vodka in during the evenings. 

I drank only a handful of times this month and all were for good reasons. 
The first glass of wine I had in February was on Wednesday the 4th to celebrate that I'd just booked my flights to the Philippines and Bali!
Another time I indulged in a glass of red (note how I don't say bottle?!) was on my granny's last night in South Africa before she headed back to Scotland.

I just want wine to be special. 
I don't want drinking to be a routine in my life - and I think I'm doing pretty great so far!

Favorite Surprise:

I had a really, really shitty day at the beginning of the month and to cheer me up, an old friend surprised me at work with a gorgeous photograph he'd taken that reminded him of me and he also stuck on a sneaky chocolate! 

Why did I have such a shitty day???? Because I got attacked by a wet wipe box and almost lost my finger! 

I kid you not. 

My finger got stuck inside that thing and two guys had to cut it off me with pocket knives!!!!!
You can't take me anywhere..........

Another cool surprise that happened to me in February was finding my mums old polaroid camera!
I haven't managed to get the film for it yet (it's going to be quite pricey!) but once I've got some spare cash lying around I can't wait to play with this guy!

Favorite Moment:

When I realized that even though there was no electricity, I could prevail. 
I had a fully charged laptop, an internet dongle to connect to blog world and a gas stove to boil some water in order to make some plunger coffee!

Favorite Times With Friends:

Cooking my best friend, Lucien, a big seafood dinner and having a cozy night in watching horror movies!

Favorite Feeling:

Being comfortable in my baggy pj's and sweat-pants, no makeup and reading glasses on while pottering around the house.
No need to impress anyone... just 'ou naturel' and chilling OUT....
Such a great feeling over the weekends rather than caking up in makeup and slipping into tight clothes and going out partying, spending all your money.

Instead, I've been reading books and enjoying time at home with my cats and dogs.


Oh yeah.... also treating myself to the occasional glass of wine in the evenings was lovely. I've certainly cut back A LOT... and I can feel the difference already.

Just loving life!

Favorite Spoils:

It was Valentines Day - and this year I decided to spoil myself a bit... OK, A LOT!!!

I bought myself a super cool Go Pro Hero 4 Silver which I haven't had the opportunity to use properly yet because I still need a few of the goodies like 'floaty backdoors' and stuff. I also still need to put a hole into my surfboard so that I can finally get some epic photos of me surfing (well, I like to think they're going to be epic anyway!).
But soon enough I'll put my Go Pro to use and share all the awesome images I capture with you!!!

I also bought myself a lovely book which I'm currently over half way through - I'll feature more of it in next months posts... but just know that it is AMAZING and if you haven't read Wild by Cheryl Strayed then you need to go and find yourself a copy immediately! Especially if you love the outdoors and have a case of Wanderlust!

To make the entire month PERFECT, I used some of the money I have been saving for YEARS now on plane tickets to Bali and Philippines!
It's 100-ish days until I pack up my suitcase, throw a leather backpack over my shoulders and catch a flight out of here!!!

Favorite Activity:

I attended an Angel Connection retreat out on a farm in Rheenendaal and it was nothing short of amazing.
Read more about it HERE.

Favorite Auntie Moment:

Seeing this little guy growing up!
He's getting so big and strong - my heart cannot contain the love!!

Favorite Goal:

I've been editing The Other Woman as much as I possibly can over the month of Feb but as you can see, it's been a pretty crazy month!!!

It is nearly finished though and I hope to have it all polished and ready to go by the end of March!

My goal was to have the book be ready and available by my birth month, May... but now I have a feeling it may just be ready before then!

I'm going to be pushing towards finding an agent now too... I have one in mind based in London who I've already been in contact with. It's all a bit daunting because you have to supply cover letters and a synopsis of your work which has never been one of my strong suits and the thing is that if the agent doesn't like your cover letter or the synopsis then they won't even take a peak at the actual manuscript!!
I think that is what makes me choke. Knowing it rests on those two things... gulp.
But I need to try - and I'm going to!

Wish me luck!

Favorite SURPRISE:

I've turned BACK into a blondie!!!!

And I am absolutely LOVING it!

Being blonde ALWAYS makes me feel happy and more confident. There's something about it that just makes me feel more feminine!

Since re-bleaching it, my hair has been more curly than EVER! Seriously, it's wild!!!
I've also just started to take some hair growth supplements after the devastating realization that I cannot afford extensions..... ever.
So hopefully it'll work and grow down to my ass like I want it to soon! This awkward length it's at now is a right pain....

Had to add the photo of me and my kitty-cat... although she is immensely pissed off with me because I caught her with two legs dangling out of her mouth that just happened to belong to a frog... of course I saved the poor thing... much to her disappointment.

Happy, happy days to being a blondie again!

Favorite Work Event:

We had our first exhibition opening of the year and it was a huge success!


The next morning I was NOT excited to put makeup on and head to work again.
Seriously in need of a chilled day in front of the television!
But I kicked the days butt and got home that evening and continued to pack my life into boxes for the big move....

I never thought I'd feel so emotional about the move... But I do.
I had actual tears this morning although I fought them away as best I could.

Lao Tzu once said, 'New Beginnings Are Often Disguised As Painful Endings'.
And on that note:

Favorite Quote:

When life gives you lemons, squeeze one in your hair and go surf. II Goldfish Kiss.

I loved this quote! 
Enough said.
(and because I've now just turned back into a blondie, the lemons now apply!)

So today is the last day of Feb and I'm about to finish up work and head off to my new house, which I haven't even seen yet!!! Eeeek...
After moving in some boxes and settling the cats and dogs in I'll be slicking back some oysters and welcoming in the new beginning.

I hope Feb's been good to you all.

See you in March ;)
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  1. What a super post Jade!!! SO much packed in!!! I cannot believe a wet wipe box attacked you!!! actually I can, I got my hand trapped in a photocopier once, it was like it grew teeth as I tried to reach down the back of the paper tray to fetch the mangled paper.

    Your hair is beautiful, I love it!!! X

  2. Your travels look amazing! I love your bikini and 'Wild' by Cheryl Strayed is such a great book, I read it when I was traveling too!

    Rachel xx

  3. What an fun recap! I love reading your monthly reviews, Jade. I am equally excited as you get ready to set for South Asia. Have you ever been to Pakistan? It's where I live.
    Noor's Place

  4. Wow, it does sound super busy! Your hair looks amazing, you can rock blonde so good. And your nephew is just so adorable!

    Cheers to an awesome month!


  5. Holy shit man, you HAVE been busy this past month. I can't wait for you to go on your holiday. I'll live vicariously through you this year for travels.
    Love you girl!

  6. Hey, I wrote quite of a comment yesterday but I wrote it with my phone and then I wasnt sure if it got published or not...!? I hope you received it!? If not, let me know okie!?
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  7. what an awesome, inspiring month you've had! love your monthly favs. You're so lucky you can do anything w/your hair and be gorg, I can't be a blonde (tried and failed! ha) ...and I know so many doing cross fit! I think I'd die haha so glad your finger is okay. Isn't it crazy how the most simple things can be the most dangerous?? oh and about the John Green book I mentioned, I'm liking it so far! although to be honest I'm not 100% quite sold on him yet. Maybe he was just too hyped up or maybe I'm reading the wrong book? xoxoxo

  8. Oh, thank you so much! Looks like you had a fantastic February and which even included a new hair colour! Honestly I like you also in blond and I'm impressed now well you are in shape. Really cool you found the Polaroid, in my opinion pictures made with this camera are so wonderful retro. Fortunately I had already my mug of tea near my and not only due to this equipment to read and watch your entertaining and lovely post was a huge pleasure for me. Thanks for that and I wish you will be as happy with the March <3
    xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena

  9. You have some great favorites! I love the picture of the beach. I'd love to be there right about now!

  10. Jade you have had one busy month... xox

    I think you will do great with the book... I would do better if I could go face to face with someone, I am great at selling myself one on one or in a group ... not sure how good I would be in a cover letter and a synopsis...

    Good luck, I hope the move went well. moving into a place you never saw... I definitely will have to see the place I am moving into... it is happening this summer... sooner if possible... I am trying to work my finances out if the lovely (hear my sarcasm) government would fix things up and give me the money they owe me, I could start looking for a place now... until then, I am in wait mode. I need a change into a place that is not falling apart in every step I take.

    Have an awesome week... see you March xox

  11. What a wonderful month you've had! You look lovely both as a brunette and a blond. I adore all your purchases, your resolve to make wine a special occasion only drink and your ability to make life such a glorious adventure! Love the pics of your beautiful nephew and sweet kitty, too! Hugs & joy, T.

  12. Stunning, as always, darling! You are beautiful, inside and out!!
    Happy Monday, love!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  13. wow wonderful post! very cool month! noora/

  14. Love your favs. the bikini is so cute

    check out my newest post

  15. Life can't be perfect, but looking at these amazing photos and reading your best and favorites, I know you're so blessed! Living a full life, making decisions for the better and just enjoying the people and the moments, you go girl!

    I'm glad you're going to the Philippines. It's already summer here. Actually too hot already. I'm sure the beaches are packed by now. But, you'll enjoy it. Where are you planning to go exactly?

    Have a safe and fun trip!

  16. Wow major changes for you lately! Glad to see you so happy though!!!

  17. that quote on friendship is so funny , i've missed coming here ,myFebruary was fabulous,i was a year older on the 16th, you look great in your bikini . I see you're keeping up with your auntie duties. Great pictures.

  18. I love that bikini, such a nice blue! I'm so jealous you're going to Bali though! I also want to try Crossfit, do you have to do it at a class or can you do home videos?

    India / Touchscreens & Beautyqueens

  19. Sounds like February has been amazing for you, what a lovely recap! I really look forward to your book, I am confident that it'll be fantastic!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  20. You look stunning as a blonde or a brunette! Looks like you are all set for your big trip. Sounds like you had a very good month in February. I hope March treats you well too! :D

  21. Hi Jade- that was intense month for you!
    I'm glad to hear you found perfect backpack- I remember you have been looking for it for a while.
    I think you look super cool in blond hair!!! Really- AWESOME!!!
    I need to try this crossfit thing... I will put it on my 'to do' list...
    Always when I read of your 'fav auntie moments' I feel a bit envious. Last time I have seen my little nephew was months ago and he was so shy to speak with me I just wanted to cry... But on the other hand this is my choice to live abroad, so I have to stop complaining and just enjoy! :D
    I hope that next month will be even better! ;)
    Take care, xoxo

  22. Always love your updates. You and I could so totally be friends. :)


    PS: Of course you can join in on the photo challenge. Jump in anytime you are ready. The prompts are on the little graphic on my blog, save it to your computer if you'd like and share your pics on Instagram. Be sure to include the hashtag so I can find it. :)

  23. Aaaah such beautiful pictures Jade .. Your eyes look so beautiful <3 & I'm happy to hear you're having a wonderful month. Benish | Feminist Reflections

  24. Such a fun post, wishing you a happy first day or March, beautiful! Xo.

    Evolution of Glam

  25. Well, your February certainly looks like a lot more fun than mine! I hope your March is just as awesome!

  26. So lovely pics! :D

  27. Yay for new bikinis and occasional glasses of wine! :)

    Le Stylo Rouge

  28. Whoa, what an adventure -- that must've been a few scary moments when you couldn't get the thing off your finger. At least, it would've been for me. Even if it's just a small part of me, like my finger, I still freak out when I can't move something I want to move, lol!

    What a great month you had. Loved all of the pictures :-)

    Katie // From My Vanity

  29. I don't know what can I say....You are absolutely great.

  30. Wow it sounds like you had a great past month. Good for you for cutting down on alcohol and choosing a healthier way of life ie exercise! I hope you have just as an amazing month as this one :)
    Olivia | Her Name Was Celebration

  31. I can't wait for your trip! The bikini and backpack look divine and will make the perfect travel companions for sure. I'm still meaning to read that book. I'm so bad, I haven't done hardly any reading this year and my brain is feeling it for sure. Don't feel too bad about the wet one's thing. Those kind of things happen to me too. I feel you and your pain. Congrats on the GoPro! Your surfing pics will most definitely be epic, I am willing to stake my life on that Jade! And blonde locks, love!!!!!! Here's to March being wonderfully epic.


  32. Absolutely love your posts! Especially the Feb Favorite! Truly awesome! :)

  33. wow totally I like the idea of this post!

  34. You'll notice some extra pennies too for your trip now that you're not drinking so much : ) Your nephew is absolutely adorable, what gorgeous eyes x

  35. You look freaking gorgeous as a blonde AND my boyfriend does cross fit and is OBSESSED. I'm trying really hard not to get pulled into the cult :) but will be cheering you both on from the sidelines

  36. Very nice baby lovely post your looking freaking gorgeous its great idea lovely post thanks for sharing best nebosh safety training Institute in chennai its great post.


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