Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Thursday, February 5, 2015

My Flights are Booked and Paid For!!!

Hi everyone!

I've got some really big news for all of you. 

Many of you have been reading my blog for months, if not years and putting up with my countless posts based on travel. 
I have one of the worst cases of wanderlust known to man and over the past year I haven't been able to pursue it. 
Backpacking and camping my way through Europe in 2013 left me penniless! I've been working my butt off ever since, saving away as much as possible at the end of each month. 
What I saved went directly into my travel account and now I can finally say that all of this hard work has paid off!!

Yesterday I booked and paid for my flights to the Philippines and to Bali!!!!!!!

My first big stop after a twelve-ish hour flight from Johannesburg, South Africa, is Hong Kong. There are no direct flights from South Africa to the Philippines or Bali so you have to catch a connecting flight from another country.
I was lucky enough to book my connecting flight to Cebu, Philippines from Hong Kong! Never, ever, EVER has Hong Kong crossed my mind as a place that I have wanted to see. Not because I don't like the sound of it - but because I never really looked into how amazing it was over there.
Since knowing that it is a part of my travels, I have been researching a fair bit and now to say that I'm excited to experience Hong Kong is an understatement!
I will have an entire day to explore Hong Kong before my journey to the Philippines continues and although I am still researching, I have absolutely NO idea what I am going to get up to while I'm there. I guess there's only one way to find out!
After some Hong Kong-ish adventures with just me and my suitcase, it will be time to board my connecting flight to Cebu!

I've booked myself into this gorgeous resort on an island in the Philippines where they offer surfing packages. The package that I've chosen includes accommodation (your choice between a standard air-conditioned room which is the most expensive, a cottage equipped with a fan or a basic backpackers room). 

I'll be staying in a dreamy thatch-roofed, air-conditioned home like this during the course of my stay:

The package also includes airport transfers, breakfast every morning, daily surf lessons, transport to  the breathtaking surf spots, all surfing equipment, an hour and a half massage, island hopping tours, wifi and more!

The best part is that it is all so affordable! The Philippines and Bali are so cheap for us South African's which doesn't come often I must say! The Rand exchange rate is usually a pretty painful ordeal so I am really stoked to have stumbled across this... although I owe SO much thanks to Chris over at his amazing travel blog: BackPacker Banter and his gorgeous lady-pie, Tara who also has one of the best travel blogs I've ever read: Where Is Tara?
Without them, I'd never have found this package! I'd probably still be sitting behind my desk at work, picking irritably at my nails and trying desperately to make deals with 'The Man Upstairs,' to somehow help me get out of my rut! A tit for tat sort of thing.

After the Philippines I'll be shooting off to finally live my dream of becoming a beach-bum and water baby in Indonesia. I'll be baking away in the sun, attaching a leash to my ankle and paddling out on a surfboard into the crystal clear ocean. I'll be sipping away at fresh coconut milk straight from the shell and popping meaty crayfish into my mouth in between snorkeling over the coral. I'll be island hopping and soaking up the Balinese sun until I am bronzed and blissed out with happiness.

Travelling alone to South East Asia where I know no one and where the language sounds like gibberish to me is nothing short of daunting... but this is what I have been craving. This is what I have been working so hard towards... and now it is all coming together. 

Do you have any exciting travel plans coming up over 2015? 

Are there any countries that you are dying to explore and saving up for?

I'd love to hear all about your travel dreams in the comments below. 
post signature


  1. very happy and jealous of you , i have no travel plans
    why are you not visiting india !
    Keep in touch

  2. Jade, you are my spirit animal!

    HAPPY JOURNIES! And I'm so glad you're feeding your travel bug :)

  3. First of all thank you Jade for leaving your lovely comments on my blog!!

    One day in Hong Kong!! Hmmm, I'd say one day is short and you shouldn't get stressed too much about seeing Hong Kong - don't miss your connection flight :).
    I don't know anything around the airport but if you have time I would recommend taking the ferry to Hong Kong Island. But I think the HK international airpot is far away and I really wouldn't risk missing the next flight.

    Philippines are also on my list and I cannot wait to see all your upcoming posts :)

    <3 <3 Mahshid مهشید

  4. This pictures are gorgeous! All the best wishing to you and your exciting travels!

    Tiffani @

  5. Oh sweetie I wish I could be in your shoes right now , going to all these amazing places, well travelling can sometimes lower ones bank account, but good to know that you're covered now. I would really love to visit Australia and then travel to on to see the beautiful beaches of miami. I have only been to several countries in europe , visited the UAE a couple years ago (Dubai has the best hospitality by the way) , a few west african countries and Ethopia . Hopefully I'll be rich again to plan more trips like you. Wishing you a lovely and exciting trip. Please keep in touch through the blog and don't forget to share pictures. Kisses


  6. I never wanted to travel until the last few years.. I've talked endlessly about it, I have finally decided to start saving for it. I want to go to Europe, first stop Portugal... it may take me years to save but at least I'm saving now :-)

    I hope you have an amazing trip... I look forward to all the pictures and hearing about your time there Jade ♡♡♡

  7. I'm super jealous I would love to visit Asian. My fiance has already been, so it's not high on his priority list. We actually have no travel plans this year, with the wedding, and house buying, we are taking yet another year off. However next year we are hitting Italy and Greece. I'm so excited!

  8. You have pretty much just outlined my dream in full. Can I come along? :)

    I can't wait to see your pics. It sounds absolutely blissful.

  9. wow I am so jealous right now. I have some friends from Hong Kong which i met during my Erasmus student exchange and they were amazing. So, H-K will be one place which i need to visit at my life :) For sure You will have fun there, as I see your plans are amazing! have fun!

  10. Hello Sweetie! >^.^<
    You have a very inspiring blog, beautiful photos!
    Now am I new follower on GFC #385, thank U for your visit on my blog :D

  11. It sounds like you are going to have an awesome trip!

  12. Thanks for following my blog :)
    I'm following you back

    I'm so jealous of you, have a nice journey and welcome to South Asia ;)
    I really want travelling to Thailand this year, need to escape from reality, hahha
    You can visiting Lombok while in Indonesia, from Bali to Lombok, it only takes 30 minutes by flight or you can try ferry boat, more cheaper than flight.


  13. I am super duper excited for you. Travel is the best you can get in life.
    Such a mouthwatering post.
    Would you like to follow each other via Blogger, G+ & Bloglovin?
    iCynosure Blog -
    iCynosure on G+ -
    Bloglovin -

  14. Thank you so much for your super sweet comment! I definetly think we should stay in touch - I really wanna see the pictures you take on this awesome trip to the Phillipines and Bali! I am a travel person too and most of my money is saved up for travelling. Now with the baby to come this may change but lets see :) I have never been to the Phillipines neither to Hongkong but Ive been to China and maybe its similar to Hongkong!? Anyway, since you only have a day there, I would just wander around the city and absorb as much of the life as you can :)
    Sending much love!

  15. Wowwww that places looks amazing, and it sounds amazing too! I don't have any travel plans for this year... my husband and I are trying to save up our money to buy a home. Wah.

    I hope you have fun and share photos on your blog!


  16. Thanks for comment on my blog. I follow you back now and I really delighted with you blog.
    Congratulations!!! Keep in touch.

  17. Dear Jade, it is me again. I just cannot find your blog Facebook page. Would like to like you back.

    <3 Mahshid مهشید

  18. Congrats hon, I am so excited for you!!! Make sure you visit Ubud when your in Bali it is my favourite place I the whole entire world.

  19. wow you've been everywhere! So jealous :P Hope to do that some day when the kids have grown up and left haha! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following. Sims is definitely an addiction that has plagued me for years lol I just can't shake it :) Thanks for following I just followed back your amazing blog :)

    Sims Addictions

  20. great post!!!
    I hope you enjoy your stay


  21. Wow! What wonderful travels you have planned! I bet you are counting the days, Jade (I would be!). We have a couple of trips planned for later this year. Both are stateside, but I'm still excited. :) T.

  22. Congrats! That's nice that they're booked and paid for and now you just wait. Your trip sounds divine, love.

    Jade, I'm nominating you for a Liebster Award. :) Go check out my post and pay it forward if you want to meet some new bloggers and get to know eachother better.


  23. Oh my gosh Jade I am so jealous !!! I wanna commmeeeee. I know you had previously mentioned about the trip but it is quite a way off, as I probably have to fly through the UK or so.

    Hong Kong sounds amazing !!! Can we chat some more, I have a few questions. Let me know where I can email you. :)


  24. Jade I am so happy for you! I know this fuels your soul. I hope the trip is everything you've been dreaming about!


  25. Oh my god, I'm so happy for you. I would really like to go to Indonesia!
    My first time in your blog and I'm loving it. Would you like to follow each other on GFC? I would love it!

  26. that sounds like some fun-filled trip!! And so much of risks you'll be taking!! All I am going to tell you is babe, be safe. Southeast Asia isn't as safe as it seems. Been living in Singapore, to tell you that :p And yes, just enjoy yourself to the fullest!! :) <3

    PSPS: You should have come to singapore too!! :p

  27. I wish you an amazing trip! Destinations certainly sound awesome :) xx Maja

  28. Oh that sounds amazing! Congrats on your trip. My only travel plans involve camping. I've never camped as an adult before so it should be interesting.

  29. Wow, this sounds like it is going to be an amazing trip. From one traveler to another, I am extremely jealous! I think the thought of being in a foreign country with people who don't speak your language is thrilling. You learn so much by traveling and you can learn so much about other peoples cultures and how they live. This is a fantastic opportunity!


  30. aaw Jade I am so happy for you!! you are going to have the most amazing time, and it's very well deserved! <3 my dream is to visit Australia someday!! I think that would be pretty epic. Also I saw your comment and man do I wish my book was out right now! My agent sent it to publishing houses so if an editor wants to pub it will come out! in the meantime I'm writing book #2 and I promise when one is available you will have a signed copy! so glad we've become blogger friends ..hugs! xoxoxo

  31. Wow! Glad you are back on your feet, wish I have that much courage to travel and see the world. Cebu is a beautiful city.

  32. Absolutely stunning! I'm very excited you! There's nothing better then traveling the world!!
    Happy Friday!!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  33. Love post and love the pictures <3

  34. Love post and love the pictures <3

  35. i just spent the past little while going through some of your last posts and ohmygoodness, jade, what an joyful and adventurous spirit you have! it's very inspiring. bali has been on my travel "wish list" for ages, i can't even image what an incredible time you will have there! this morning i woke up to a freezing cold that didn't crack 20 degrees Fahrenheit, please enjoy the warmth + sunshine for us and happy journeys! ;)

  36. oh that's so exciting!! Bali is definitely a place I want to visit someday! Love your blog- though I have a feeling its is going to create a serious case of wanderlust in me ;)

  37. Hello Jade, greetings and good wishes.

    You are an amazing person. You worked hard and saved money for this exotic travel. Fabulous.

    The photos of your accomodation looks like a dream place, the food looks delicious, and lovely blue green water looks gorgeous. Every one cannot dream of such a dream holiday. I am sure you will enjoy yourself and you will have wonderful experience in this travel. You are truly bold and courageous to visit far away places alone and without knowing the languages.

    Hong Kong, Philippines and Bali are excellent tourist spots. This is the tourist season in all these places and I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy this tour.

    Best wishes. Enjoy

  38. Fantastic post - glad to hear you have booked an adventure! Nothing booked for me yet sadly but hopefully soon, definitely need some sun!! :D

    I have a new outfit post up on the blog, would love to know your thoughts:

    * Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *


  39. Oh wow, this sounds amazing! That house looks absolutely beautiful and daily surf lessons sounds so much fun! I'm so jealous! :)

  40. Oh my! How exciting for you! I'll look forward to hearing all about it!

  41. Amazing post and blog!
    I'm following you now :)

    Have a nice day ♥,

  42. You are so lucky to be able to travel so much. Enjoy your trip to Bali :)
    Would you like to follow each other on GFC?

  43. Oh wow, this is amazing, Jade! I have never been to the Philippines but have been to Bali. I would advise not to stay in Kuta, Bali but to stay in Nusa Dua. Bali is too much of a tourist hub and I regretted staying there.
    Have fun and I hope to read about your travel!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  44. Wow that sounds really excited! I hope you have a blast there, enjoy your time there :)

    Benish | Feminist Reflections

  45. this all sounds like such a dream! remember to enjoy once you leave (not that i think you could forget to do so)! i wish i had plans to travel.. maybe if i don't get a job after graduating i'll have a hobo year travelling somewhere, haha:-) xx

  46. I can't wait to "follow along" through your posts. It sounds like it will be an absolutely amazing trip! Backpacking through Europe is on my list of *someday* dreams too. It sounds like so much fun. :)

  47. You havent even left yet and im already super jealous! looking forward to reading about your travels :)

  48. great blog and great pictures!
    want to follow each other? let me know :)

  49. good travel honey! great post ;)

    Check it out my new post:

  50. Oh, I think in 2015 I will stay in our beautiful Bavaria, as this belongs for me to the most beautiful places :)

    Thanks for following – it's a pleasure for me that I already followed you back on gfc and bloglovin <3

    xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena

  51. Lovely! It's always good to travel :) I really really want to go to Bali sometime! Heard it's really amazing there <3

  52. Your trip sounds so exciting and I am looking forward to reading all about it. There are so many places I'd love to visit! England, France, Turkey and South Africa to name a few.

  53. I'm excited for you! It'll be nice to follow your journey. Your so brave to go alone. You go girl!


  54. Wow sounds like an amazing journey to come, you'll have to keep us updated. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today, always happy to see a new follower and shoe lover : )

  55. Hi Jade,
    Thanks for dropping by my blog. That was nice to follow me.
    I used to live in Bali, it is a cool place. Try to visit Padang Bai if you can (that's where you can get the boat to Lombok) - I really liked it there- more sleepy and less touristy than Kuta and Sanur but still with the beach and a beautiful beach at that - Pantai Kecil (little beach) is gorgeous!! Dreamlands beach in Nusa Dua is also lovely.
    I'd love to visit the Phillipines. x

  56. Lucky you! I would happily travel the world at the drop of a hat at this very moment if I could afford it. Sadly I didnt save up while I was working and havent had a proper job for a year and half so I cant go anywhere :( Things are going to change very soon though! Sadly for us Indians, traveling abroad is an expensive affair as the exchange rate is absolutely awful with rupees. Am excited about you coming to India! Will be so much fun!!
    Keep in touch

  57. Jade! I absolutely love your blog! Thanks so much for finding mine so I could find yours! I am so happy for you to go to Bali and the Philippines! I am so jealous! It is one of my dreams to go to both of those places, I have never been to asia, and the photos of where you are staying look so beautiful! Looks like its going to be a very relaxing and amazing visit! surfing will be awesome! I went surfing in Hawaii and taught myself, surfing in bali will be amazing!
    I look forward to your photos from your travels!!

  58. PS. I tried following you on GFC but for some reason I can't follow anyone, i get Error 404 :( but i did follow you on bloglovin :) xo

  59. This sounds ahhhmazingg! I dream about traveling so you're living my dream right now <3 I hope you feel like a mermaid in Indonesia :)

    She Will Be

  60. Congratulations Jade on booking flights! Eeeeeee! I am so ecstatic for you girl! This is amazing and I can not wait to live vicariously through these travels of yours. So you say one day in Hong Kong eh? I've been once before and it's pretty amazing. There isn't much to do aside from shopping but there are a few key places to visit. You won't have time for Disneyland sadly but is it possible to squeeze in a trip to Big Buddah? It's a large statue of Buddah that is pretty cool. It also gives you another side to Hong Kong that you'd never expect to see. Rural. When you get there it's buzzing and smoggy and loud and full of concrete so going over there and being surrounded by green and tourists is refreshing. From memory it was a long, uncomfortable and scary bus ride but that was a good 7 or so years ago now and back then they were in the process of building little cable car thingys (I can't thing of the word to describe it lol) that buzz overhead the landscape. I think they may even start by the city too so you can avoid that ghastly bus ride. If thats the case I'd look into it because I'm sure it also cuts travel time by more than half. If you can't fit that in theres a cool scenic look out point at Victoria Peak which is near by the city. And at night there is an awesome light show in the Harbour (Victoria Harbour) I think it starts at 8pm every night. That would be fun to view. I'll have to go through my photos and if you'd like to know more let me know and I'll hit you up girl. I'm no expert though but still!


  61. No ways girl!!!! I am SO excited for you. Please squeeze me into your suitcase??? It looks like paradise there.

  62. Hello sweetheart!!I just saw one of your comments on my blog, and immediately came to your blog to answer it! :) Omg..I didn't know that you've been to singapore before! That's nice!! It is indeed an expensive place. I actually reside in Singapore, and you know what? I am actually making plans of going to Bali and then Bangkok in June-July as well!! It would definitely be super cool to do a blogging hangout! I've never done that before either!! I am pretty freaking sure it would be fun!! :D

  63. I am following you back on GFC :)

  64. OMG, I'm green with envy. One of the things I most like about travels is the feeling of anticipation.Surely you'll have a great time.

    Jasmine x
    For a Real Woman

  65. Good luck on your upcoming trip. The Philippines is a beautiful country. I take it that you're a beach babe? You'll definitely enjoy exploring the many beaches our country has to offer. Hong Kong is a beautiful metropolis. And the best part is it's TAX FREE! So enjoy shopping at the Central District or the ever famous Nathan Road.

    I, on the other hand, have to work my ass off. I have travel plans for this year but not disclosing because it might get jinxed, kidding! :P

    Janelle | Styles & Prints

  66. Sooo jealous! I went to Bali for about a month on my way back from Australia and I loved it, I woudl love to go back someday! x

  67. so jealous you're going to bali!

    xx danielle // shades of danielle // bloglovin

  68. Wow, this upcoming trip sounds like FUN! And I love that you get a nice, long massage included with your trip. So relaxing! :-) I've never been outside the United States -- though, in some ways, I don't really wish to. I did, however, just recently visit Key West, Florida, and really enjoyed the time spent there. The beach was beautiful and the weather was lovely in January. :-)

    <a href=">Katie // From My Vanity</a>

  69. What an exciting time- glad everything is booked!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  70. oh goodness, the minnesota winter has had me absolutely dreaming of bali lately. have the best time! oh, and take tons and tons of pictures!!

  71. OMG, I'm excited for you!! (and a little bit jealous)
    The only travel plans I have is to go to Tenerife for a holiday with the girls haha xx


  72. I look forward to hearing about your travels. I have always wanted to go to Bali. I see that you are reading Wild, what do you think? I absolutes loved that book and maybe one day will travel that trail as well.

  73. That's so awesome - congrats! The only thing I have on the books right now is a ski trip but I'm SOOO looking forward to it

  74. AMAAAAZING!!!! So happy for you. South Asia will be so fun!!!
    I so wanna go to Turkey but I can't travel alone as being under-age and my family's too busy to spare a few days outside the country :( So, someday, maybe.
    Noor's Place

  75. So jealous, it looks lovely!


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