Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Friday, October 3, 2014

Thursday's Trio of Blessings

This is yet another post I lost touch with a couple of months back. Seems I am swinging back into a few old, enjoyable habits lately. 

I was supposed to publish this yesterday.. you know, being Thursday and all... but I stupidly left my MacBook Pro at work. Damnit.

Blessing One:

I had a look outside at my herb garden yesterday morning after losing ALL of my chili plants to the torrential downpour of rain recently.... and  ONE little plant seems to have survived which I will be tending to with every ounce of love I have in me now to ensure it makes it. 

Lesson learnt: Make sure you pot your seeds properly. I didn't have any holes in my pots so the poor baby chili plants all drowned. Whoops.

Trial and error.

To help me and my budding green fingers out - my handsome bearded fellow has offered to make me this:

How unbelievably cute is that?! 

Of course I can't let him have all the fun... I can't wait to get my hands dirty and do some home DIY with him. 

Blessing Two:

"To write, you must read."

I wrote some absolutely amazing pages for my second novel, The Other Woman.

I find that it really helps both my motivation to write and my writing when I read novels. It gets me excited for other people to hold my book in their hands, the way that I am holding someone else's work in mine.
It is such a deep and personal part of someone and takes so much to let your words grow their own wings and fly.

I cannot begin to express how wonderful it is to have so much inspiration to put pen to paper these days. The saddening part is that I hardly ever have the time to do so... sometimes (okay no, all of the time,) I wish I could just jet off to a beautiful tropical island, shack up in a quaint beach bungalow and pour my heart out onto my typewriter for an uncountable number of months; that would be a dream come true for me...

But I squeeze my creative juices out when I can... and when I do; it puts me on cloud 9...
...and that is exactly where I am today...

Blessing Three:

Lastly, after hearing all these bloody CrossFit stories and realizing that I am developing a wee bit of a 'pouch' around my tummy... I have kicked myself into gear and went for a run yesterday evening.

To motivate myself, I packed my gym clothes (or what I like to pass off as 'gym clothes,') in my car and banned myself from heading home until I successfully shoved on my trainers and went for a run.
Furthermore, I then completed 50 sit-ups back home . . . after that, I declared it Wine O-Clock, quickly seared a steak, mashed up some potatoes, drizzled some balsamic reduction on my plate and topped everything with a handful of rocket. After a delicious meal... I got merry on a bottle of Chardonnay while uncannily relating a little too much with the likes of Bridget Jones.

Oh yes, regarding my exercise:
I've never weighed as much as I do now and I don't like it. I'm by no means big - but my aim is to get back to being fit and healthy, toned and develop some muscle. 
Puny? Me?

Haley over at: 

ALWAYS inspires me to get my butt into action and break out a sweat. 
Check out her awesome blog for loads of entertaining life stories from a young mum, a doting wife, a fitness enthusiast (for the most part) and just an overall freaking awesome person.

I hope you all had a stunning Thursday bloggeroonies - I'll catch up with ya'll soon.


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  1. OMG I love the herb shelves so cute, I have been on a fitness kick for 4 weeks now and I can actually see results which is really motivating. It's a 8 week challenge through work and who ever loses the most weight gets a weekend away at a health retreat. I couldn't imagine a better prize.

    1. It must be awesome to see results - I'm TRYING... But I need to try harder - blush

  2. writing the blessing poast itself is so positive
    that setup for garden is so nice and ur boyfriend is too cute to offer to make it
    weight gain , ahh , i feel so unfit these days, will have to start working out soon
    Keep in touch

    1. Yeah I love writing the blessing posts - every day would be a bit too much but once a week its important to show your appreciation to what life has to offer you x

    2. Publicly I mean... I always appreciate it. But to share it once a week is a good practice xxxx

  3. Have fun at building the shelf for plants, your boyfriend is amazing that he offered you to do it. Hope the chilli seeds will grow up again. Good luck with your writing and exercising. :)
    Fashion Happenss

  4. So sorry that the rain got your plants. I'm horrible with anything green, so I don't even try. I can definitely relate to the weight thing. It's a lifelong battle for me. I gain a few pounds, the battle to get them off, then gain them back again. (Sigh!)

    1. Haha it was my first attempt pretty much so I'll suck it up and try again.
      We all have our battles - just keep persevering. Nothing worth fighting for was ever easy xxxx

  5. I can totally relate to you regarding the weight thing! This was a very pleasant read <3 I think it's a good idea for all of us to sort of take a moment to write down our blessings of the week.

    1. Thanks Kylie - I really do enjoy this weekly post x

  6. That garden is so cool! I hope you'll post about it! I would love to hear more. I admire you for writing a novel - I've tried to sit down a number of times in the past, but I just don't have the patience/lose interest. I can't wait to hear more about it and hopefully see it in a bookstore someday!

    1. Ahhhh hahaha I just read your latest post and laughed so hard - thanks for making my day Ash :)

      Thanks for the lovely comment xxx

  7. I love the idea of the herb cart, it's genius! Happy Weekend Jade!


    1. It is genius! He emailed me so many gorgeous pics to choose from (what a sweetheart!) and thats the one I picked xxx

  8. I love the planter shelves--how cute! That will be great to put your seedlings in. I always enjoy watching plants grow and develop. I hope your last chili plant survives and thrives!

    I'm with you on escaping to a beach bungalow to write. Wouldn't that be amazing to be able to do that?

    Thank you for your kind comments on my blog. They brightened my day! :) Have a nice weekend.

    1. I know I really enjoy it too - makes you feel so proud :)

  9. The idea of this post is so positiving and motivating! I love the plants shelf, I'm sure this time it will work :) I totally understand the whole weight loss issue but I'm convinced that if you keep that positive attitute, you'll reach your weight goal soon :)

    1. Thanks Deb! It's wonderful to know you motivate people.

  10. Wow seriously love this post! I hope you get the chance to check out my blog and maybe follow if you like it :)

  11. lovely blog,I love you

  12. reading and wine, yes, yes, yes!

  13. Great post ;)

  14. There's nothing more therapeutic that getting the fingers in the dirt! I love the plant hutch model. How sweet your sweetie is going to build you one! It's wine o'clock here--right now--and that's a blessing--no doubt. :) xx T.

    1. I agree! Gardening is fast becoming a great hobby of mine - I just have to hold off until I've moved house and summer begins! THEN the fun will really start :)

  15. i keep saying I'll write a novel one day but i end up writing just a few pages every year, and having to reread the whole thing the next year.

    50 sit ups. gosh I havent worked out in forever, i cant even do more than 20 squats right now.

    1. Hahaha I reread my work all the time - to the point where I get sick of it. Doesn't happen over night. It can take many years to make it come into fruition - but if you dream to do it, make it happen :)

  16. Love posts like these where you focus your energy on gratitude, love that diy garden , trust me seeding is fickle in rainy season. It literally is trial and error haha. Have a gorgeous Monday .

    Meg | Meghan Silva's Blog

    1. Thanks Meghan <3
      Loved your latest long distance post x

  17. Jade,

    Great post on your blog! Was wondering if you could help me out some. I really like your garden shelves.. I there way you could direct me to where I can find how to build myself one just like that one? Or what materials I would need to build it? Thanks



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