Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Tara the Traveler

As many of you may have seen, on Monday I compiled such a fun post for this blog based on TRAVEL . On my travel and on some other amazing bloggers travels. I linked up with some really awesome people - but only AFTER hitting that convenient pumpkin colored publish button (Halloween is just 22 days away.. but hey, whose counting?) I met Tara

She is just down-right hilarious. I read every single one of her blog entries back to front (per say.... you know, as you can't technically do that in blog world...)

The best part about it all is that her blog is brand-spanking-new(ish). Based on her exciting and thrilling new adventure of quitting her 'soul-crushing' 9-5 job, selling all of her belongings (besides her beloved collection of books... I'm sure most of us can relate!) and skipping off into a tropical, Asian sunset with her man.

Sounds like a dream, right?

Tara will take you through the nitty gritty of it all. The gruesome, gory details that accompany every epic adventure.
It is a dream too, though. She tells stories from her experiences across the globe - the good times and the cringe-worthy bad times that will have you practically beetroot red and on the floor laughing.

Working in a fine art gallery, we get tourists strolling in throughout my own 9-5 working day all the time. Foreigners always have a huge appreciation for art - and after all this natter about travel lately, something happened today that very nearly tipped me over the edge of the mountain of responsibility, commitment, priorities and stability that I've been balancing on.

A group of travellers came trudging through, dragging their worn-out, tethered boots along the gallery's old hard-wood floors.
It's a miserably cold and wet October day in South Africa but even so, they were sporting tiny little white shorts with bronzed legs completely unfazed by the chilly nip in the air.

Their top section seemed to be a bit more cleverly dressed. Over-sized, brightly coloured hoodies. Tatty hair pulled back in careless pony-tails. Rucksacks with just the essentials a backpacker would need, slung across their shoulders.

I stared down at my branded, too-tight jeans. Tugged uncomfortably at my stylish winters coat and patted my slicked back boring hair in envy.

I see tourists wandering in and out all day long - but today it only fuelled my rapidly spreading fire to fly off into my own sunset... to touch new ground, smell new smells, sample new foods. Get completely lost and enjoy absolutely every minute of it.

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  1. Thanks for the new blog to follow. I love her writing style. Also hold tight, you will get there, and remember that you are at work, working, and saving so that you can travel. It is a means to an end. It's a mantra I repeat all the time to myself.

  2. Jade... if I didn't have responsibilities of a child... I would give up my 9-5 job and travel where ever I could.

    One day I'll have the opportunity and I'll take it...with all the good and bad. I think it will be worth it ♡

  3. Hello Jade, just discovered your blog and followed you on Twitter (hopefully you're back for longer!)
    Love your writing style. Looking forward to popping by here more often.

    1. Hey Claudz! Great to meet you! I'll try stick it out on twitter :)

  4. I'm definitely checking out Tara's blog - gotta have respect for someone who shares both the good AND the bad!

  5. i love travelling , my only dream is to travel all over the globe
    keep in touch

  6. I always glamorize traveling but when it happens, I just can't wait to get back home and sleep in my own bed. Is that weird?

    1. Hehe at some point I think we all feel that way. Miss the comforts and familiarity. It helps us appreciate what we don't every day x

  7. Tara sounds like so much fun! I too have the same goal as you besides the fact that I really cant afford it :(
    Keep in touch

    1. I know she's super cool - I am her newest, biggest fan hahaha

  8. Tara is really inspiring me now! As i mentioned in my previous post, someday I will do it!! I will just quit my job, get the hell out of where I am, and just go somewhere FAR FAR AWAY!! :p

  9. love this. I'm currently reading Just One Year by Gayle Foreman (part two in Just One Day) and it's all about the love of traveling. It's so inspiring to read about visiting new places like this.

    1. Ooo I have never heard of those books - keen to check them out! Thanks Beth :)

  10. I'm glad you came across another blog to inspire you and feed your travel bug, one day that will be you, I have no doubt!


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