Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Friday, March 14, 2014

March Shopping Haul!

 There's nothing quite like a little bit of a shopping splurge after pay day is there? I'm not exactly what you would call a shopaholic but every now and then I do like to spoil myself with a little something. This month - retail therapy was needed and so these were my little finds!

These adorable rose-gold rings came in a little pack that also had necklaces and earrings in it. I just loved the bird - I couldn't leave the store without it! 

They are from Mr. Price at an absolute bargain of a price: R49.99

I then bought two dresses, both of which I have already taken out for nights out on the town. 

The floor length black and white striped dress in my absolute favorite. It is so figure hugging and versatile, you could wear it anywhere. I also don't have many floor length dresses so when I saw this one, I just fell in love. 
You can grab this dress from Mr. Price (like the rings) for a steal of a price too.. It was under R 100.00

The white half sleeved dress with black swirly writing is also extremely figure hugging and shows off my legs. This is definitely one I'd wear for wintery cocktail parties. I already wore it out to my mum's 50th birthday dinner which was held at a very la-dee-da restaurant.  
This dress is from a store where I do often drool over their dresses: Legit. 
It was R149.99 as far as I can remember.

I got two novels from the secondhand book store. If possible, I always try to only buy secondhand books because I adore the fact that someone else has read it before me. I especially love it if you find little marks, comments or even letters in the pages. It gives a book history and character. 

I got The Mistress by Martine McCutcheon, who is an author that I have never heard of before. I bought this book for inspiration as my second novel is about falling in love with a married man and how that planned out. I haven't even researched previous book reviews on it so who knows... I hope it is good though as it really grabbed my attention. 

The second novel I bought was a hardback copy of The Brightest Star in the Sky by Marian Keyes. Marian Keyes is infinite. I adore her writing. Whenever I feel like a good old girly read I always start to crave her words. I find them quick and easy reads, extremely enjoyable and just so easy to get lost in as a female wanting an escape route from the calamity of my life for a while. 

You know what this means right?? Some new book reviews will be coming up!

For my new Shoes of the Month post, I bought these pair of blue wedges. I loved the color first and foremost of these shoes, closely followed by the comfort I found in them unlike heels that usually leave in in agony halfway through the day.

Lastly, I did a little bit of shopping for my home... or should I say future home? Hint hint!

I don't have much space in my room right now as I am residing back with the rentals until I take the plunge and move out of Knysna - but that hasn't stopped me from falling in love with a few certain things in home decor shops and refusing to leave without them! 
With that being said, I have a huge obsession with candles. I think candles add such a warm atmosphere to a house (they also smell divine) and these are the one's I picked up in Mr. Price Home this month: 
I love these sort of things. I used to have them dangling all over my cottage. They are just so cute and pretty to look at. Place a little tea-light candle inside the heart and let it light your room up with pretty scattered amber light.

I also loved this one because it was different. I love the fact that it is silver and would pretty much match anything, anywhere! It also smells like really soft vanilla.
This is the one I fell head over heels in love with. It's a big white, heavy pot with palm wax from Malaysia inside. It burns for 50 hours and I loved the heart on the side of the pot!

I absolutely love all of my new little goodies - the reason that I am doing this post now though is because I definitely can't afford anything else this month!!! I think I went slightly overboard... but I was sad and when a woman is sad, retail therapy really does help. 

Have you bought any new things this month??
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  1. My fiance just put the Ki-bosh on a new artist tablet for me :( i know i just had a trip to the kitchens store, and bought new camera gear, and MAYBE we have infinite weddings to attend this year, but I NEED that thing! Also I freakin love Marian Keyes. I havent read anything from her in so long, I just might have to add that to the list. Can't wait to read your review!

    1. So glad you also like Marian Keyes - her words are golden :)
      Hope you enjoy it xx

  2. My room doesn't have much of space to but it disent stop me from buying decore.
    Nice rings, u did quite a lot of sfopping
    Keep in touch

  3. Rob's fav smell is vanilla anything, so anytime I see vanilla scented candles, I think of him! That set of rings is super cute and I LOOOOOVE those two dresses. I can imagine the writing dress would really show off a pretty set of legs nicely.. ! ;)

    When I read a really good paragraph or a sentence in a book I always imagine the author typing the words for the first time, stopping to proofread them and smiling satisfied to himself, like; that was goooood. Haha- must be the writer in me..! Hey- how do I get that book of yours anyway!?
    Oh and I should mention that if you reply to my comments on your blog, I often don't really see them because I never remember or don't have the time to check back to see if you did. I'm sorry about that, if you do write me.. I just thought I'd let you know, so that you can either email me your response, or just not reply because the chances are, I'm not seeing them! :)

  4. Love those rings and the white dress with the black printed words, super cute!

  5. I love the dresses that you bought! Happy weekend!

    1. Thank you love, me too! Already worn them loads :)

  6. those rings are gorgeous! I love rings :)

    Alexa <3

  7. Amazing stuff you got..great choice!! Super loved this post <3

    Happy Weekend!! :)


  8. the dresses are amazing!:) And this month I didn't buy anything except the car :D

  9. Hi! nice blog! follow you back!
    Love such interesting rings & accesories)

  10. I totally agree with you on there's nothing wrong with spoiling yourself after a paycheck!
    Although whenever I get paid I find myself buying everything... I need to learn how to save LOL.
    You're so lucky with the maxi long dress! I'm not as tall so I can never pull it off but I always wanted
    to buy some :(.
    The silver cup candle holder looks pretty rad!
    It's kind of like something I'm trying to find in my room!
    Great purchases! :)

    1. Thanks honey!! I love the silver candle holder too - also got it as a present for my sister in laws bday :)

  11. wow, so much stuff.. well shopping for me is like stress buster.. i so liked the rings, maxi dress and those blue wedge heels.. i am such a shopaholic girl, that's saving for me is big tough task.. aniways great blog, keep in touch

    1. Thanks honey!! Hahaha I think the majority of women are shopaholics :) its engrained in us hehe

  12. Lovely pictures)
    I'm now yours gfc and bloglovin follower) Hope you follow back)

  13. I love second hand books as well! Lovely rings.

  14. I haven't really bought anything, I have a trip planned next month and I need to save right now, so I'm living vicariously through you right now. Jade, these are great items you found! My favorites are the birdie ring and the black and white swirl letter dress, it's so Parisian!

    p.s. I love that you buy used books and your comments behind why you love it so much :)

  15. Mmm.. good to be here in your article or post, whatever, I think I should also work hard for my own website like I see some good and updated working in your site


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