Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

March Favorites (And A Bit More On Manuscript Submissions)

March was a reasonably quiet month spent mostly enjoying my own company. I needed some time to unwind and take a breather from all the socials which have been ongoing since December!

Important and Life-Altering Thing 

That Happened In March:

Definitely sending my manuscript off to a literary agent. 
You can read a bit more about that HERE. In short though, it was terrifying! I've never had the courage to do that before and what the above post doesn't mention is that after you send the manuscript off, the waiting game begins. It's human torture in it's most gut-wrenching form. 
To make matters worse, you start flipping through your copies of what you've sent off,which is usually: 

  • The First 3 Chapters of the Manuscript
  • A Full Plot Synopsis
  • A Cover Letter 
  • A Curriculum Vitae

You start picking up even MORE spelling mistakes that make you so angry. HOW did you not SEE that one?! How did it slip through?! It wasn't there before! What the hell happened!?
Then the worry kicks in. You start asking yourself questions like:

Will they reject me because of that? 

Will they think it's sloppy? 

Did I rush this??? 

Reading your work back for the millionth time you wonder if they'll enjoy the story and wish that they could see the rest of the book because the first 3 chapters are great and all, but the heart of the story lies right in the middle when things spice up! Then you think, but a book needs to grip you right from the start! 

Does mine do that?  

Oh the torture!!! 

OK... Getting back on track, I'd like to get the negative things out of the way first. 

My Not So Favorite Thing That Happened In


In March, I moved house. That's the nice part... I LOVE moving and redecorating. I think it's ingrained in me to want to nest... the bad part was when I got robbed though. 

Yip. Some delightful assholes decided it would be fun to smash my car windows, pop my bonnet and steal EVERYTHING. Sentimental things you just can't replace... so that was really upsetting but the rest of the month managed to help me forget it.

My Mind Was Kept Busy With 


Moving into my new home meant drilling the shit out of walls to hang up paintings, clocks and photographs. I did just that.... almost giving my father a heart-attack when I drilled into our electrical wires..... oops.

Mum's, Sister-in-Law's and Handsome Bearded Fellow's Birthdays:

We don't really go out for dinner much as a family, but when it's a birthday we tend to spoil ourselves. Mum turned another year younger and we had a jolly good time at a pub!

There were another two birthdays this month too (my poor bank balance looks SO grim....)

My sister-in-law and the handsome bearded fellow both entered their dirty thirties and we celebrated in style!

My sister-in-law threw a Bohemian style party (I didn't even have to dress up!) which was a ton of fun at this gorgeous bistro in town called Bloos.

Then Sam's thirtieth was a piss-up with the mates:

Finally Used My Go-Pro:

Used my Go Pro for the first time - the review is HERE.

Favorite Thing To Do:

Enjoying the last stretch of summer out on hikes in the forest.

Favorite Friend Moments:

Ashley came down for a visit and we had a little reunion... gosh I miss him now that he's moved away!!! Just not the same.

I also bumped into one of my best girlfriend, Chanel!

Favorite Downtime:

Enjoying a nice glass of wine, red or white, it doesn't matter. 
I quit Crossfit. 
I didn't quit because it scared me or I died of muscle pain... I quit because I literally just can't afford it right now. 
I'm busy saving like CRAZY to afford this trip to Southeast Asia in 2 months time and unfortunately, as much as Crossfit would have helped me to get that Bikini Bod for Bali, I just can't right now. 

Back to my jogs and sit-ups at home I'm afraid! (and back to the wine.... because lets face it, I love it). 

post signature


  1. You can do half of the cross fit workouts at home,and they post the WOD on their website, just saying. lol Congrats again on the book!!!!

    1. Thank you again and again and again! You are a constant support JC! Also, big thanks for reminding me about Mothers Day!! Eeeek! Worst daughter award goes to me!! :)

  2. such an eventful time, i hope yo have a great time in bali
    looking nice with all those bindi's
    you havent mailed me the video you mentioned !
    Keep in touch

    1. Thanks Pooja - Bali is coming so soon! Seems like yesterday it was over 100 days until I go but it's literally 2 months away now! So excited and a little nervous too!! :) Lots of adventures (and blog posts!) to come xxxx

      PS I am trying to get the video to you it's just a little big to send but trying to instagram it to you xxxx

  3. You're looking amazing girl!!!

    I think I fixed your comment issue on my blog. I believe I put you on the allow list. Can you test it out for moi, gorgeous?

    You're glowing in your pictures woman, you're radiating happiness despite getting robbed. That's awful. So sorry to hear that.


    1. Aw, Linds ! Thanks babe! That's so sweet of you! I am in such a happy place right now - :)

      The comments work again - thank you for fixing that up!


  4. You are so cute! Lovely photos



  5. Jade... I have never sent a written manuscript in... I actually have one but it isn't organized ... it needs to checked for spelling and sentence structure ... I think I have to grow a tougher skin before I send it in as I sweat just from hitting publish on my blog posts... I write something that actually makes me sob and feel... then I hit publish and wonder if others can feel it too... I wish you the best of luck with getting your book published, I know that your story is compelling from the little bit that I know... I would love to read it...

    I can't wait to see how you enjoy Bali, if it is as wonderful as my other blogger friend states, you are going to love every minute... have an awesome rest of the week xox <3

    1. The fact that you already have a manuscript is a huge accomplishment - it takes a lot of discipline and dedication. Well done Launna! Now onto the next part, yeah? ;)

  6. what a crazy month for you! its very nerve wracking to submit a manuscript, I'm submitting a manuscript for a paper soon, and I'm nervous too! but you will alway find something wrong, no matter how many times you look at it. you just have to have others look too :)
    so sorry to hear about your move and getting robbed... that is so awful. i hope you were able to recover some things even though most of your things were sentimental :(
    looks like you enjoyed the rest of your month tho, surfing with go pro and hanging out with ur friends birthdays looked fun! xo

    1. Hi Andrea!

      Good luck with submitting your manuscript too! That's so exciting and I'm sure you'll do amazingly - especially if it's anything like your latest post! So professionally done.

      Let me know how it goes!?


  7. You look absolutely so pretty Jade! I haven't wrote a manuscript before either, and hope you all the luck with your book *fingers crossed* :)

    My Blog ❤

  8. I hope you have an amazing April with the best of March and more.

    Jasmine ♥

  9. This looks like a great months with some up and downs but mainly ups :)
    I did not really understand your last comment!? The books are English and written by Americans (except for one) so why did you write that its a pity you cannot find them in English? Actually there is no German version of two of them (Starch Solution and Whole) and this is also why I have them in English and put the English pictures on my blog. Anyway. About Pasta, potatoes and rice - I totally agree, I cannot have enough of it either :D
    Have a wonderful Easter weekend with lots of yummy things and sunshine :)

    1. Haha I meant for the one book that was not in English - it looks interesting! The other two I'm happy are in English but it's a pity about that one because I love collecting and reading books and would love to read as much about vegan-life as possible, especially those books recommended to me from friends! :)

  10. It looks like (minus the terrible robbery!) you had a fantastic March! It looks like it was filled with family, friends, and fun. Great pictures! Wishing you a wonderful April!


    1. Yeah, the good always outweighs the bad... and you need the crappy times to be able to appreciate the good :)
      Hope you're having a goodie too babe xxxx

  11. Nice pictures!
    I love your blog.I'm following you via GFC, kindly follow back

    1. Thank you for the support - I followed you back and hope we keep in touch xxxx

  12. The place you went on hikes looks incredible, wow!

    Rebecca Coco

    1. Thanks Rebecca, South Africa is a beautiful country.. even with all the crap going on at the moment - and I'm blessed to live in a really stunning part of it! xx

  13. Hello! Fantastic photos.
    *new follower in the blog and bloglovin.

    1. Lovely blog you have -- hope we keep in touch xx

  14. Thanks for following dear, I'm your new follower too! Loved your photos, I wish you all the best luck with your book! :) Kisses

  15. You look beautiful in your pictures. It must have been frustrating when you were robbed, I would never want to go through something so horrible, I'm glad you're feeling better now though :) & LOL at drilling at electrical wires, I can so picture myself doing that by accident. Good luck with your book though! Lovely post overall.
    <3 Benish | Feminist Reflections

    1. Hi sweet lady, thank you for your kind words and humour! :) My father really didn't think it was so funny hahaha but really... who puts wires THERE !? Woman thinking ;) hahaha

  16. absolutely adorable post!! love your photos and stories, you´ve had an amazing and exciting March, and I wish you good luck with your book! you are really talented!!!
    have a wonderful weekend!

    100% natural & homemade cosmetics => sano sanisimo

    1. Your latest blog post is amazing! Making your own bath bombs!? How cool! I can't wait to try it out - thank you for the post!!
      It was wonderful to meet you and I hope we keep in touch xxx

  17. Aww, I really love this recap, Jade! And congratulations again on the book! Sorry about your car being robbed though, that is terrible!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Thanks Shireen -the rest of the month made up for the robbery :)
      Hope you're well xxxxx

  18. Great post and lovely photos. So sorry to hear of your incident with your car. That's so bad! I wondered if you would like to follow each other via GFC. Let me know on my blog. That would be really awesome! Have a nice weekend! :)

    A fashionable Rendezvous
    A fashionable Rendezvous | Instagram

    1. Thank you for your comment - it's great to meet you! Always a pleasure to get acquainted with new bloggers!! Of course we can follow one another - hope to keep in touch xxxx

  19. apart from the car break-in seems like you had a lovely month! that's awful, though, so sorry that it happened. and i'm sure your manuscript is fine:-) hope april will be even better! xx

    1. I'm sorry - I don't even know what to reply to you other than you have made me drool on my keyboard from the photograph of your creme egg BISCUIT.....

  20. omg, can't believe you were robbed! assholes...but I'm so happy the rest of your month was great, looks like you had a blast and I'm keeping everything crossed about the agents! xoxox

    1. Hey Beth!

      Thanks for your kind wishes :)

      Very excited to hear about your new project you've hinted at? xxx

  21. I'm so sorry about your car but how exciting about the move and your submissions! No, I don't think agents will hold it against you if you have something that really resonates with them and there's an error in it. I've heard agents repeatedly say they'd take a story that wows them with characters that jump off the page that has errors over one with zero heart that is perfectly polished. Typos can be very easily fixed.

    1. I got so nostalgic from your latest post Stephanie! Rubik's cube!! I have such a love/hate relationship with that old square ;)

      Thank you for your comment, it really did help :) You're such a gem xxx

  22. Happy Easter and thanks for explaing your last comment :D I was a little confused, haha.
    I hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend with your friends and family!

  23. Wow what a month! Sorry I've been absent too lovely and I feel so bad at how much I've missed. Book submission! Goooooood luck! This is super exciting news, seriously wishing you nothing but the best. You've taken such a leap and I can't tell you how proud I am of you friend! And I'm awfully sorry to hear about the break in. Shit. That would suck balls. I know something like that would be terribly difficult for me to deal with but moving to a new place would be an ideal distraction. Aside from possibly electrocuting everyone lol. I actually LOL'd at that because it is something I would totally do. Not that I am remotely familiar with a drill or anything.

    Anyhoo, off to check out your previous posts, especially the GoPro. Hope you had a lovely Easter or whatever you ended up doing, hope it was epic and relaxing.

    1. Hey Sonia! Gosh it's been way too long. Sorry for my silence over the past few weeks! HOW ARE YOU!?!?

      Thank you for such a genuine, lovely comment on my post!!! You're so special and I am blessed to call you my friend. You've been a constant support with my writing and novel for ages now and I really appreciate that - it's crazy that I feel so close with so many of my blogging friends that I've never met.
      I have a feeling that I may be getting... ENGAGED ... soon and I'd so love you to come to my wedding! Really!!! That will only be in a good year or so as it needs to be planned etc but you know there are a handful of my blogging friends that really stand out to me and you're one of them!!
      Whose gonna come all the way to South Africa for a wedding of some chick they've never met though haahahaha :P

  24. Oh God I remember the anger about spelling mistakes from when I had to hand in my bachelor thesis last year. I can so relate to it, what a horror! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and your manuscript Jade! :)
    It looks like you had an awesome March. Good thing the renovations distracted you from the writing stress a bit!

    1. It is a horror, right?! It's the best way to describe it... but ya just gotta have faith ;)

  25. sorry to hear that , Jade... now don't think much about it, let it go...big bastards they were but i can see how much fun you had all this month with fun filling pictures and birthdays.. enjoy your easter time sweets.

    1. Big bastards indeed - but karma's a big bitch too ;)

  26. Sorry to hear you got robbed those stupid ******! I loved this post looks like you've been living it up and keeping really busy. Look after yourself and I hope you enjoy your new apartment :)

  27. good luck with the manuscript.
    sucks big time that you got robbed!

  28. Oh, Jade, your blog makes me so happy every time I visit it. You're so beautiful, carefree, and have the same sense of wanderlust that I have... just im stuck in school.... lol. I so hope to one day be able to travel and meet you! So sorry about assholes breaking into your car.

    1. Awwww, Kierra! Your comment made my day when I read it! Thank you!! I love knowing I bring smiles to people's faces.
      School is essential - once it's over you can get a good paying job and save up to travel the world like me :) It's ALL worth it in the end, that's why you need to be dedicated and do well right now xxxxxxxxx

  29. Wow you had such a crazy busy month! Most of it looked like so much fun though. Sorry about being robbed... I can't imagine how bad that would suck. I love that you do these monthly recap posts. They are such a great way of keeping track of all of the ups and downs.

    1. Thanks babe, I love doing the monthly roundups too. So cool to look back on them years later, you know?? xxx

  30. Such an eventful month!!! So sorry about your car, terrible!!!
    I hope your April recap will be full of only great things :)

    <3 <3 Mahshid مهشید

    1. Hey Mahshid, thank you for your comment - April has been amazing - hope your month has been too :)

  31. Congratulations on moving to a new home! So sorry to hear about your car being broken into and you being robbed. Best of luck to you on hearing from an agent. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! :)

    1. Thank you! The new home is starting to grow on me :) Though I don't see myself there long - I feel a big change coming on again xxxx

  32. What a crazy busy month for you. You will have to post pics of your new place!

    Also, your body always looks bikini ready! :)


    1. Sylvia! I will take pics of my new place soon! Everythings still in boxes right now.. I don't even have a door! So once it's looking a bit nicer :) xxxx

      Hahahaha aww well thanks for the compliment but seriously I've gotten a bit wobbly around certain areas lately! I'm calling it my 'winter coat'.....

  33. I wrote such a long comment and the stupid internet connection and work deleted it all... anyway so you had one helluva eventful month Jade! Sucks that stuff got stolen. Something similar happened to me last year but those assholes broke the entire window and stole a purse which had nothing but a brand new lipstick. BTW you looked stunning at the boho bday party and of course, you didnt have to dress up for it hahah! You're gonna fit into goa perfectly and you're gonna love it so much. And Bali is just like goa so you're gonna have a blast real soon!

    1. Aw I hate it when that happens! I've started copying what I write just in case the internet cuts out and I lose my comments!
      Jeepers if you think last month was eventful - wait till this months recap!! I am emotionally and physically EXHAUSTED. I shouldn't even be allowed on blogworld today because I'm feeling a bit sad.. haha don't want it effecting my comments and communication with you all but I finally have time to blog again and I'm excited to!
      It always cheers me up anyway!!

      They stole your new lipstick??? I'd actually be devastated... I have a HUGE lipstick collection. MASSIVE in fact - it's an actual obsession and I am very fond of all of my lipsticks. Luckily non of mine were taken.. phew. xxx

  34. WoW! So lovely pics, dear!

  35. Wow, I love this kind of posts and yours is amazing!
    Thanks for sharing it!)

    p.s. do you like shopping or travel? Read how to save up 75% in my new post

    Diana Cloudlet

    1. Thanks love, your blog is stunning too - though it makes my wardrobe look like a bomb.... :/
      hahaha xxx

  36. Great post and lovely photos. Sorry to hear of your incident with your car. That's so sad! I wondered if you would like to follow each other via GFC. New follower!!! Loved reading your blog. That would be really awesome! Have a nice weekend! :)

    1. Hi Resh, it's so great to meet you. Thank you for the follow and for your comment! I'm checking out your blog right now xxx

  37. I'm so sorry for your things dear x But I'm glad you enjoyed your move :)

    1. Thanks Cátia, it's OK - I've gotten over it :)
      It taught me to be much more careful with what I leave in my car at least! Lessons in everything ;)

  38. Replies
    1. Thanks Avy, have you submitted your work anywhere? It's truly exceptional writing xxx

  39. Jade! I'm back..! Great and exciting news about the manuscript. I can't imagine having anything completed to send to a publisher. The fact that you have a piece of work that you are finished and proud of is an accomplishment all in itself. I keep forgetting that it's your summer right now. Your trip is coming fast.. very exciting..!

    1. Haley! Wow it's been ages - I've been thinking of popping you a little email to check in and see how you have been! Got a bit worried from your absence!

      Thank you love! I am really thrilled that my books gone now but after a couple of days of pure excitement and adrenalin while waiting for the agents to get back to me, it's starting to fade into just nerves now. Exhausting me.. I just need to try forget about it I think instead of refreshing my inbox every two minutes.

      Wahahaha Summer has passed. I'm sitting at work with a hot water bottle on my lap :(
      Shivering away!!!

  40. Aww Jade! It feels like ages since I caught up on your blog!!
    I can't believe someone did that to your car...the only sentimental thing in my car is some heels hah!!
    I bet it's fun moving house :) I can't wait to read your novel xx


    1. Laura, I've missed you!!

      I know I was so cross about my car but it's over now and I learnt from it so such is life!!

      I can't wait for you to read my book either! So exciting :) Thank you for being a constant support xxxxx

  41. Oh hun , sorry about your car window and all the stuffs that was stolen .Glad you weren't harmed . hope you are doing great , Have a fab weekend dear.

    1. Hey Uzo thank you for your comment - yes, I wasn't harmed and that's the positive side. Thank goodness.

      Hope you're well too babe, been far too long xxx

  42. Sounds like an interesting month! I'm so sorry you were robbed. Things will turn around soon. I know it! Positive vibes being sent your way!


    1. Positive vibes accepted and appreciated you awesome blogger!! :) xxxx


Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog - if you supply your blog page I will be sure to check it out and leave a comment in return!
