Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Friday, April 24, 2015

Love, Rosie | Movie Review

Rotten Tomatoes gave this film 26% on the 'Tomatometer' (basically: making it rotten). 
Here's what I have to say about that: 

I honestly couldn't believe all of the bad reviews because I absolutely adored this film! 
*That being said, I do have a tendency to lean towards the stereotypical rom-coms. I'm a woman in my mid-twenties, I dig that shit. Give me a delicious bottle of shiraz, some freshly made popcorn (perhaps with a box of Astros or Smarties sprinkled and melted on top) and a romance and you have one happy lady right here. 

Love, Rosie has everything I could possibly want in a film of it's type:

  • Romance
  • Drama
  • Comedy (British comedy at that!)
  • Charm
  • Beauty
  • Heartache
  • Struggle
  • Pain
  • Loss
  • A Happy Ending

It has everything - regardless of the countless cliche's and the predictability... this is one film I just fell in love with. 

It's hilarious! 

I laughed out loud. 
I scrunched up my fists in frustration. 
My heart broke and mended. 

It's just gorgeous, thoroughly enjoyable and perfect for a quiet evening in.

An adaption from Cecelia Ahern's (author of P.S I Love You) novel 'Where Rainbows End,' comes the story Rosie and Alex. They are best friends and always have been - but on Rosie's 18th birthday they end up kissing for the first time. 

Rosie, too drunk to remember, makes some silly comment about wanting to forget the night ever happened. This makes Alex think that she regrets their kiss... And so begins a 12 year saga of their missed opportunities to finally be together.

I felt that the Lily Collins and Sam Clafin had incredible onscreen chemistry.... and just by the by, Clafin is bloody gorgeous!

Overall I'd give this movie 4/5 stars. 

The only downfall to me was the constant back and forth. There was always something in the way of them being together when it was SO SO clear that they are meant for each other. 

It does get infuriating... but then, haven't we all had that certain someone that we missed the opportunity to be with?? This movie will resonate within everyone and touch everyone's hearts in some way or another. 

Have you seen any good films lately - or bad ones for that matter?
I'd love to hear about them in the comments below :)

Have a stunning weekend bloggers! 

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  1. Jade, I'm not sure I could watch this movie without being sad... most of us have that one that was meant to be... It sounds like a movie I'd like normally ♡

  2. I read the book and liked it. I'll have to check out the movie.

  3. I'm certain that every movie I love has received a bad review! This sounds like a good one to me! xoxo

  4. Thank you for sharing this review! I am actually not sure if I watched this movie or not.. somehow it seems to familiar but then I do not remember the actual images. Anyway. I did not watch any good movies lately, or at least no international one. The last time I went to the cinema was to watch a German production which was pretty good. Its called "Als wir träumten".
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  5. More than rom coms its horror films that float my boat so last weekend I went to watch this movie called it follows. Now this was a complete rotten tomatoes reversal because critics thought it was fantastic and so did the audience while I thought it was a piece of crap movie!! beat that :) xx

  6. actually i was thinking about this movie not long time ago. I dont remember why i didnt decide to watching it finally. but i need to give a try and watch it :D

  7. Honestly I trust especially in your opinion and I can imagine this film is really worth to watch :)
    xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena
    International Giveaway: Zatchels Bag as Thank-You for the Supporter of my Hobby

  8. I feel you Jade, I am much the same about rom-coms. I'm a soppy sucker for them. And I feel like this one is perfect for a night on the couch with vino and Chinese (and popcorn for dessert which begins 5 minutes into the movie itself lol). I can't recall seeing this trailer then again I've gotten really complacent when it comes to movies, I wait for them to come out on my cable TV so I can watch them free loooool. The joys of being in your twenties (going on eighties)! I'm trying to remember what the last one was that I watched. But I can't. Maybe Charlie St Cloud (Yeah, only now got around to seeing that one)? I'm also NOT a big fan of love triangles because the guy I want the girl to be with NEVER gets the girl. Ok, maybe like 80% of the time but still it IRKS ME JADE. IRKKKS MEEE.

    BTW thanks for the cutest response on my last post. I don't know if you get notified of a reply or stuff but I just said how cute you are and how your message made me teary (yeah, did I mention I am super emotional? It gets worse with age). I love and feel super blessed to call you my friend and should a little something be announced of course I'd be there. I'd move mountains to get to SA or water, ride a dolphin (if he let's me) or maybe catch a plane. I swear at times I feel more connected to you and my blogger buddies more than actual friends in my life. I feel like that is a sad statement to make but it's not cos I got you guys who I cherish more than anything (not more than my baby Chanel, sorry. ;o) hehehe) BTW apologies for the over extended use of characters on your post and my reply. I juuuuuust can'tttttt contaaaaain myself. And I hope it made you giggle. Happy weekend Jade, enjoy it to the fullest.

  9. It's on my list of movies to watch. I have a list of movies in my notes on my iphone that I want to see..and I have a sneaking suspicion we like the same kind of lovey dovey movies. Here.. I'll share my movie list with you.. although I warn you that I haven't seen them.. so I can't guarantee that they're good:
    Thanks For Sharing
    The Other Woman
    The Longest Week
    Drinking Buddies
    If you want to see what they're all about go to IMDB and look em up! I love that website!

  10. I like romantic comedies too even if they are predictable. I haven't heard of this one, but it sounds like a fun one. Thanks for the review!

  11. I have not seen this movie but your review is so intresting! Tnx for sharing dear!

  12. I have'nt seen this movie ,just watching the trailer i'm already thinking i should. Great review.

  13. This sounds like my kind of movie! I haven't seen it or any really good ones lately, Jade. I want to see "The Age of Adeline," though. Maybe I will next weekend. :) xx T.

  14. I love this kind of reviews dear Jade and really, thank you for posting this:)
    This rom-com went right on my watching list <3

    <3 <3 Mahshid مهشید

  15. I love, love, love this movie too! I like how it went. Not a perfect life which is realistic, but the stubborn love between two people that stood and remained strong even with all the changes in their lives is as real as can be. Plus, the actors are gorgeous. I'm with you in this review.

  16. sounds cute.. thanks for sharing

  17. It's nice to hear an honest movie review instead Rotten Tomatoes review. :) I'm intrigued!


  18. it sounds cute! i think this's the kind of movie i'd enjoy watching yet think it's bad at the same time haha, you know? but obviously shouldn't judge before i watch it! xx

  19. I have read the book and loved it, so I hope I love the movie!


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