Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Jambo bloggerino's! 

I am SO sorry for my terrible lack of updates of late - but I do have the most incredible tales to tell you all about my latest travels to the exotic African island of Zanzibar, Tanzania (hence the ''Jambo'' introduction!) Swahili is just the coolest language and for those of you who have seen The Lion King then you can speak the basics already too! 

Jambo - Hello
Hakuna Matata - No Worries
Asante Sana - Thank You
Rafiki - Friend 

Before I do however, I just need to say how amazingly overwhelmed I was when I logged back online and saw all of the feedback I got from my previous post on Munich. 
Oh. My. Word. 
I received so many lovely comments from you all I couldn't quite believe my eyes! I promise to get back to each and every one of you through time and to also update you on my latest travels.

The travels I have not yet been able to fill you in on are on the following countries:

  • Prague - Czech Republic
  • Berlin - Germany 
  • Amsterdam - Netherlands
  • Johannesburg - South Africa
  • Zanzibar - Tanzania
I swear I WILL someday catch up with all these travel posts that I owe to you all.

As much as I enjoy blogging and connecting with people from all over the globe... I cannot describe the feeling of just disconnecting for a while. I had no phone, no email, no internet. It felt great. I really do recommend it to everyone every once in a while. It revitalizes your soul. I had no idea what was going on in the world of Facebook or home or anywhere really. 
Logging back on, I saw one of my closest friends, Chanel, is now in a relationship with a wonderful guy. I saw two of my friends got married and I saw an abundant supply of beautiful messages sitting in my inbox awaiting replies. 
I am beyond blessed. 
Thank you to everyone in my life who make living and breathing and being such a fantastic adventure. 

I have one more big 14 hour road-trip coming up tomorrow and then my travels will at a standstill for a while. Not for long though... I have recently learnt that travel is life. I cannot be in one place for long before it is time to get back on the road again. 
2013 has been an absolute blessing to me so far. There have been some gorgeous memories, some hard times, good times, confusing times and times I thought I'd never be able to work through but I did. I keep getting stronger and wiser and growing as a person and it is incredible to be able to document it all and share it with amazing people such as yourselves. 

This entire year has completely changed me and it will keep doing so as the time goes on. 

For instance:

I have become a full blown vegetarian for one and for another: 

In about five months there will be a tiny baby boy born into this world that will just be the light of my life. At least I think it is a little boy... I will find out soon what sex he / she is but there is an 80% chance of a boy. I couldn't care less what the sex is anyway.. as long as he or she is a healthy baby I couldn't be more happy. 

Thank you for your constant love and support and I promise to update you ASAP!! 

Peace be with you for the meantime.... 

... Bronzed, Happy and Refreshed ...

... Jade  ...

post signature


  1. I am also an avid traveller and have been hit by a terrible wanderlust of late so am looking forward to your travel posts as I have not yet ticked these countries off! :)

    And we always understand the perpetual cycle of blogging delays - it's only human! ;)

    Thank you for your sweet comment! I adore your blog and am following you now! <3

    Hope you will come and pop by soon!

    Following on bloglovin' now <3

    <3 Mandy xx

  2. P.S. I'm up because my little one just finished eating. So it's rally early in the am and my mind is foggy. That last bit about becoming a vegetarian.. Are you pregnant!!??? If so, congrats are in order, if not-blame the sleep deprivation!

  3. Jade!!!! I have really missed you posts!
    Glad you're enjoying your travels and I can't wait to see the beautiful pictures :)

    Be even more blessed and safe on your journey!

  4. Glad you are back! Whos pregnant!? omg.

  5. Enjoy your roadtrip! :) Just discovered your blog and love it! So I've nominated you for the Liebster Award, there's some questions you need to answer :) Check it out on my blog -

  6. Oh darn it... I had an entire comment that I wrote before my P.S. Again, I'll blame my lack of sleep,, I must not have sent it properly. Of course, I don't remember what I wrote either. Oh well!

  7. follow you on GFC and Bloglovin!!

  8. So goid to gear the good news, may u have a healthy baby... Luck u , get 2 travell to so many beautiful
    Places and explore the world.. :)
    Dont forget to enter my giveaway.
    Keep in touch,


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