Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Stumbling My Way Through Life One Glass of Wine at a Time

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

I Dig You

It’s the small things that count.

A tiny romantic gesture goes a long way, especially if it is so heart-meltingly adorable.

When I received an image of this:

I don’t think I stopped saying, ‘Awwwwwwwwwwwww,’ or smiling like a goof-ball for over 24 hours – and yes, they are just jelly babies on a plate spelling out, “I Dig You,” but to me, that is actually one of the sweetest and most amazing things anyone has ever done for me. 
He opened a packet of jelly babies and instead of scoffing them all (which he probably did afterwards to be fair,) he thought of me, wrote me a note and snapped a photo to send to me. It made me feel so incredibly special and happy - blush.

It is SO important to make someone feel special and do the littlest of things to let them know you care.

What’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you???

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  1. I totally it's the smallest things that can make such a huge difference! xx


  2. I totally is the little things. I'm happy for you!

  3. Awwww this is soooo cute , u must be on cloud 11
    keep in touch

  4. awwww......that's so sweet.........
    you have a great u wanna follow each other...follow me on GFC and let me know...i will follow u back immediately...
    keep in touch

    1. Thanks very much Kriti, I'll check out your blog shortly x

  5. That is so thoughtful and sweet! How did he make that perfectly round dot for the i? :)


  6. Aww it was so sweet and thoughtful from him. Lucky you. :)
    Fashion Happenss

    1. So far he seems so sweet and thoughtful Lia, feeling very blessed indeed xxx

  7. Love it, Jade! About two years ago, Mark sent me a jpeg file he'd written on his iPad. It said, "Tina, I love you." I saved it as my computer background--it's still there, today. :) Sounds like you've got a keeper--and, a sweet one, too! :) T.

  8. It's nice to be thought of - even when it's with jelly babies!! Um, are they sour candies that are kind of chewy? We have sour soothers that are kind of like that. But I've never had a jelly baby before. Yuuum.


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